This bibliography includes major studies under a series of thematic headings. It does not attempt to include all the specific items cited in the endnotes to the chapters of this book.
General Histories and Studies
1. G. W. Bowersock, P. R. L. Brown, and O. Grabar (eds.), Late Antiquity. A Guide to the Post-Classical World (Cambridge Mass., 1999).
2. P. R. L. Brown, The World of Late Antiquity from Marcus Aurelius to Muhammad (London, 1971). See also “The World of Late Antiquity revisited,” Symbolae Osloenses 72 (1997), 5–90.
3. P. R. L. Brown, The Making of Late Antiquity (Cambridge Mass., 1978).
4. J. B. Bury, The Later Roman Empire from the Death of Theodosius I to the Death of Justinian (395–565) (2 vols., 2nd edn., London, 1923).
5. Averil Cameron, The Later Roman Empire (London, 1993).
6. Averil Cameron, The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity (1993, extensively revised second edition 2011).
7. Averil Cameron, “The long late antiquity,” in T. P. Wiseman (ed.), Classics in Progress: Essays on Ancient Greece and Rome (Oxford, 2002), 165–91.
8. Averil Cameron and P. Garnsey (eds.), The Late Empire AD 337–425 (CAH XIII, 1998).
9. Averil Cameron, B. Ward-Perkins, and L. M. Whitby (eds.), Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors AD 425–600 (CAH XIV, 2000).
10. R. M. Collins, Early Medieval Europe (New York, 1991).
11. A. Demandt, Die Spätantike. Römische Geschichte von Diocletian bis Justinian 284–565 n. Chr. (Berlin, 1989).
12. C. Foss and P. Magdalino, Rome and Byzantium (London, 1977).
13. G. Fowden, Before and After Muhammad. The first millennium refocused (Princeton, 2014).
14. P. Garnsey and C. Humphress, The Evolution of the Late Antique World (Cambridge, 2001).
15. E. Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (rev. edn. J. B. Bury, London, 1929).
16. E. Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (new edn. by D. Womersley, Harmondsworth, 1994).
17. P. Heather, The Fall of the Roman Empire. A New History of Rome and the Barbarians (Oxford, 2005).
18. P. Horden and N. Purcell, The Corrupting Sea. A study of Mediterranean history (Oxford, 2000).
19. A. H. M. Jones, The Later Roman Empire 284–602. A Social, Economic and Administrative Survey (Oxford, 1964).
20. A. H. M. Jones, The Decline of the Ancient World (London, 1966).
21. W. Liebeschuetz, The Decline and Fall of the Roman City (Oxford, 2001).
22. J. R. Martindale et al., Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire (3 vols., Cambridge, 1971–92).
23. C. Morrisson, Le monde byzantin vol. I. L’Empire romain d’orient (330–641) (Paris, 2004).
24. Henri Pirenne, Mohammed and Charlemagne (1937).
25. D. S. Potter, The Roman Empire at Bay AD 180–395 (London, 2004).
26. Peter Sarris, Empires of Faith. The fall of Rome to the rise of Islam, 500–700 (Oxford, 2011).
27. E. Stein, Geschichte des spätrömischen Reiches I (284–476) (Strasburg, 1928). French trans. by J.-R. Palanque, Histoire du Bas-Empire I. De l’état romain à l’état byzantin. 1 Texte and 2 Notes (Bruges, 1959).
28. E. Stein, Histoire du Bas-Empire II. De la disparition de l’empire de l’occident à la mort de Justinien (476–565) (Paris, 1949).
29. S. Swain and M. Edwards, Approaching Late Antiquity. The Transformation from Early to Late Empire (Oxford, 2004).
30. B. Ward-Perkins, The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization (Oxford, 2005).
31. Chris Wickham, Framing the Early Middle Ages. Europe and the Mediterranean 400–800 (Oxford, 2005).
32. Chris Wickham, The Inheritance of Rome. A history of Europe from 400 to 1000 (London, 2009).
Collected Sources in Translation
1. P. R. Coleman-Norton, Roman State and Christian Church. A Collection of Legal Documents to AD 535 (3 vols., London, 1966).
2. B. Croke and J. Harries, Religious Conflict in Fourth-Century Rome (Sydney, 1982).
3. G. Greatrex and S. N. C. Lieu, The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars. Part II AD 363–630. A Narrative Sourcebook (London and New York, 2002).
4. A. D. Lee, Pagans and Christians in Late Antiquity (London and New York, 2000).
5. S. N. C. Lieu and D. Montserrat, From Constantine to Julian. Pagan and Byzantine Views (London and New York, 1996). This includes the anonymous Origo Constantini Imperatoris (Anon. Val.), the Latin Panegyric VII (6) of 310, and Libanius, Or. 59.
6. M. Maas, Readings in Late Antiquity: A Sourcebook (London and New York, 2000).
7. R. W. Mathisen, People, Personal Expression, and Social Relations in Late Antiquity (2 vols., Ann Arbor, 2003).
8. J. Stevenson, A New Eusebius. Documents Illustrating the History of the Church to AD 337 (rev. edn. by W. Frend, London, 1987).
9. J. Stevenson, Creeds, Councils and Controversies. Documents Illustrating the History of the Church AD 337–461 (rev. edn. by W. Frend, London, 1989).
10. R. Valantasis, Religions of Late Antiquity in Practice (Princeton, 2000).
Translated Texts
In addition to the titles listed here, there is an invaluable bibliography of English translations of the Christian patristic literature of late antiquity in P. R. L. Brown, The Rise of Western Christendom (Oxford, 2003), 554–64.
The Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers
This old series contains English translations of extensive selections from the works of the major church fathers, including Eusebius, Athanasius, Hilary of Poitiers, Basil, Gregory of Nysa, Gregory of Nazianzus, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine, John Chrysostom, the church historians Rufinus, Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret, Leo the Great, and Gregory the Great. The publications are now available on-line at Further out-of-copyright translations of authors from late antiquity, including John of Ephesus, Zacharias of Mytilene, John of Nikiu, and other important texts, from several original languages, are at
Liverpool Translated Texts for Historians
This invaluable and growing series of translations includes important introductions and commentaries.
1. Acts of the Council of Chalcedon (3 vols., R. W. Price and R. Gaddis, 2005).
2. The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 553: With related texts on the three chapters controversy (2 vols. R. W. Price, 2009–12).
3. Ambrose of Milan. Political Letters and Speeches (W. Liebeschuetz, 2005).
4. The Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos (R. W. Thompson and J. Howard-Johnston, 2 vols. 1999).
5. Aurelius Victor, De Caesaribus (H. W. Bird, 1994).
6. Avitus of Vienne: Letters and Selected Prose (D. Shanzer and I. Wood, 2002).
7. Caesarius of Arles: Life, Testament, Letters (W. Klingshirn, 1994).
8. Cassiodorus: Variae (S. J. B. Barnish, 1992).
9. The Chronicon Paschale 284–628 AD (Michael and Mary Whitby, 1989).
10. Constantine and Christendom (The Oration to the Saints. Greek and Latin Accounts of the Discovery of the Cross; The Edict of Constantine to Pope Sylvester) (M. Edwards, 2003).
11. Donatist Martyr Stories: The Church in Conflict in Roman North Africa (M. A. Tilley, 1996).
12. Evagrius Scholasticus, The Ecclesiastical History (Michael Whitby, 2000).
13. Eutropius, Breviarium (H. W. Bird, 1993).
14. The Goths in the Fourth Century (P. Heather and J. Matthews, 1991).
15. Iamblichus: On the Pythagorean Life (G. Clark, 1989).
16. The Emperor Julian. Polemic and Panegyric (Claudius Mamertinus, John Chrysostom, Ephraem the Syrian; S. Lieu, 1989).
17. Lactantius: Divine Institutes (A. Bowen and P. Garnsey, 2003).
18. Libanius: Antioch as a Centre of Hellenic Culture (A. F. Norman, 2000).
19. Libanius. Select Letters from the Age of Constantius and Julian (S. Bradbury, 2004).
20. Neoplatonic Saints. The Lives of Plotinus and Proclus by their Students (M. Edwards, 2000).
21. Optatus: Against the Donatists (M. Edwards, 1997).
22. Orosius. Seven Books of History against the Pagans (A. T. Fear, 2010).
23. Pacatus: Pangeyric to the Emperor Theodosius (C. E. V. Nixon, 1987).
24. Ps-Dionysius of Tel Mahre, Chronicle part 11 (W. Witowski, 1996).
25. Ps-Joshua the Stylite, Chronicle (J. Watt and F. Trombley, 2000).
26. Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor, Chronicle (G. Greatrex, Robert Phenix, and Cornelia Horn, 2011).
27. Ruricius of Limoges and Friends. A Collection of Letters from Visigothic Gaul (R. W. Mathisen, 1999).
28. Themistius, Select Orations. Politics, Philosophy and Empire in the Fourth Century (P. Heather and D. Moncur, 2001).
29. Theophilus of Edessa, Chronicle (R. Hoyland, 2011).
30. Three Political Voices from the Age of Justinian [Agapetus, Paul the Silentiary] (P. N. Bell, 2009).
31. Vegetius, Epitome of Military Science (N. P. Milner, 2nd edn. 1996).
32. Victor of Vita: History of the Vandal Persecution (J. Moorhead, 1992).
33. West-Syrian Chronicles for the Seventh Century (A. Palmer, 1993).
Loeb Classical Library (Original Texts with English Translations)
1. Ammianus Marcellinus, ed. J. C. Rolfe (3 vols., trans. J. C. Rolfe, 1935–40). Vol. 3 contains a translation of the anonymous Origo Constantini Imperatoris (Anon. Val.).
2. Augustine, City of God (7 vols., G. E. McCracken and others, 1957–72), Confessions (2 vols., W. Watt, 1912), Select Letters (J. H. Baxter, 1930).
3. Ausonius, Poems (H. K. Evelyn-White, 1919–21).
4. Basil, Letters (4 vols., R. J. Deferrari, 1926–34).
5. Boethius, Theological Tractates and On the Consolation of Philosophy (H. F. Stewart and E. K. Rand, rev. by S. J. Tester, 1973).
6. Claudian (2 vols., M. Platnauer, 1922).
7. Eunapius, Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists (with Philostratus, W. C. Wright, 1921).
8. Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History (2 vols., K. Lake and J. Oulton, 1926–33).
9. Jerome, Select Letters (F. A. Wright, 1933).
10. Julian (3 vols., W. C. Wright, 1913–23).
11. Libanius, Orations (selection, 3 vols., trans. A. F. Norman, 1969–77), Autobiography and Selected Letters (A. F. Norman, 2 vols. 1992).
12. Procopius (8 vols., trans. H. B. Dewing, 1914–54).
13. Prudentius, Poems (H. J. Thompson, 1949–53).
14. Scriptores Historiae Augustae (3 vols., D. Magie, 1921–32).
15. Sidonius Apollinaris, Letters and Poems (2 vols., W. B. Anderson, 1936–65).
Penguin Classics
1. Ammianus Marcellinus. The Later Roman Empire (AD 354–378) (selection only, trans. W. Hamilton, 1986).
2. Eusebius, History of the Church (trans. G. A. Williamson, rev. edn. 1989).
3. Gregory of Tours, History (History of the Franks) (L. Thorpe, 1974).
Routledge Early Church Fathers
This series contains introductions to the writers and a selection of their works in translation with explanatory notes. The emphasis is on their theological contributions.
1. Ambrose (B. Ramsey, 1997), Cyril of Alexandria (N. Russell, 2000), Gregory of Nyssa (A. Meredith, 1999), John Chrysostom (W. Mayer and P. Allen, 2001), Jerome (S. Rebenich, 2002).
Other Translations
1. Agathias, The Histories (Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, vol. 2a, J. D. Frendo, Berlin, 1975).
2. Augustine, Confessions (H. Chadwick, Oxford, 1991).
3. Augustine, On Christian Teaching (R. P. H. Green, Oxford, 1997).
4. Ausonius, Works (R. P. H. Green, Oxford, 1991).
5. Cyril of Scythopolis, The Lives of the Monks of Palestine (R. M. Price, Kalamazoo, 1991).
6. Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, The Fragmentary Classicizing Historians of the Fifth Century (R. C. Blockley, 2 vols., Liverpool, 1983).
7. Eusebius, Life of Constantine (Averil Cameron and Stuart Hall, Oxford, 1999).
8. Eusebius, In Praise of Constantine and Tricennial Orations (H. A. Drake, Berkeley, 1976 and 1978).
9. Hydatius, Chronicle (R. W. Burgess, Oxford, 1993).
10. Jordanes, Getica (P. Mierow, Princeton, 1931).
11. (Ps.-) Joshua the Stylite, Chronicle (W. Wright, Cambridge, 1882).
12. Lactantius, On the Deaths of the Persecutors (J. L. Creed/T. D. Barnes, Oxford, 1984).
13. The Latin Panegyrics: B. Rodgers and C. E. V. Nixon, In Praise of Later Roman Emperors. The Panegyrici Latini (California, 1994).
14. Malalas, Chronicle (E. Jeffreys, R. Scott, M. Jeffreys, Sydney, 1986).
15. Marcellinus, Chronicle (B. Croke, Sydney, 1995).
16. Menander the Guardsman, History (R. C. Blockley, Liverpool, 1985).
17. The Lives of Simeon Stylites (R. Doran, Kalamazoo, 1992).
18. Symmachus, Relationes (R. H. Barrow, Symmachus Relationes, Prefect and Emperor. AD 384, Oxford, 1973).
19. The Theodosian Code (C. Pharr, Princeton, 1952).
20. Theophanes Confessor, Chronicle of Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284–813 (C. Mango and R. Scott, Oxford, 1997).
21. Theophylact Simocatta, History (Michael and Mary Whitby, Oxford, 1986).
22. Zacharias of Mytilene. Syriac text ed. by E. W. Brooks, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 83/84 (1924). English trans. by E. J. Hamilton and E. W. Brooks (1899, available on-line).
23. Zosimus, text, French translation, and commentary by F. Paschoud (Paris, 1971–89, with a new, extensively revised edition of book 1, 2003); English trans. by R. T. Ridley (Sydney, 1982).
24. There are English translations of many of the important fragments of the fifth-century historians in C. D. Gordon, The Age of Attila. Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians (Michigan, 1960).
25. S. P. Scott, The Civil Law (17 vols., Cincinnati 1932), contains translations of the Digest, the Codex Justininianus, and the Novellae of Justinian, and is available on-line at
Historiography and Sources
1. P. Allen, Evagrius Scholasticus, the Church Historian (Louvain, 1981).
2. N. Baker-Brian and S. Tougher (eds.), Emperor and Author. The writings of Julian the apostate (Swansea, 2012).
3. B. Baldwin, “Malchus of Philadelphia,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 32 (1978), 101–25.
4. B. Baldwin, “Olympiodorus of Thebes,” Antiquité Classique 49 (1980), 212–31.
5. B. Baldwin, “Priscus of Panium,” Byzantion 50 (1980), 18–61.
6. T. D. Barnes, “The lost Kaisergeschichte and the Latin historical tradition,” Bonner Historia Augusta Colloquium (1968/9), 13–43.
7. T. D. Barnes, “The epitome de Caesaribus and its sources,” Classical Philology 71 (1976), 258–68.
8. T. D. Barnes, The Sources of the Historia Augusta (Brussels, 1978).
9. T. D. Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius (Harvard, 1981).
10. T. D. Barnes, “Panegyric, history and hagiography in Eusebius’ Life of Constantine” in R. Williams (ed.), The Making of Orthodoxy: Essays in Honour of Henry Chadwick (Cambridge, 1989), 94–123.
11. T. D. Barnes, Ammianus Marcellinus and the Representation of Historical Reality (Cornell, 1998).
12. M. Shane Bjornlie, Politics and Tradition between Rome, Ravenna and Constantinople. A study of Cassiodorus and the Variae, 527–554 (Cambridge, 2013).
13. Alan Cameron, “The Roman friends of Ammianus,” JRS 54 (1964), 15–28.
14. Alan Cameron, Claudian: Poetry and Propaganda at the Court of Honorius (Oxford, 1970).
15. Alan and Averil Cameron, “Christianity and tradition in the historiography of the late empire,” CQ 14 (1964), 312–28.
16. Averil Cameron, Agathias (Oxford, 1971).
17. Averil Cameron, Procopius and the Sixth Century (London, 1985).
18. G. Clarke et al. (ed.), Reading the Past in Late Antiquity (Rushcutters’ Bay, 1990).
19. P. Cox, Biography in Late Antiquity. A Quest for the Holy Man (Berkeley, 1983).
20. B. Croke, Count Marcellinus and His Chronicle (Oxford, 2001).
21. B. Croke and A. M. Emmett (eds.), History and Historians in Late Antiquity (Sydney, 1983).
22. J. W. Drijvers and E. D. Hunt (eds.), The Late Roman World and its Historian: Interpreting Ammianus Marcellinus (London, 1999).
23. J. A. S. Evans, Procopius (New York, 1972).
24. W. Goffart, “Zosimus: The first historian of Rome's fall,” American Historical Review 76 (1971), 412–41, reprinted in Goffart, Rome's Fall and After (London, 1989), 81–110.
25. W. Goffart, The Narrators of Barbarian History (Princeton, 1988).
26. G. Greatrex, “The date of Procopius’ works,” Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 18 (1994), 101–14.
27. G. Greatrex, “Recent work on Procopius and the composition of Wars VIII,” Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 27 (2003), 45–67.
28. T. Hägg and P. Rousseau, Greek Biography and Panegyric in Late Antiquity (Berkeley, 2000).
29. J. Harries, Sidonius Apollinaris and the Fall of Rome (Oxford, 1994).
30. C. Holdsworth and T. P. Wiseman, The Inheritance of Historiography 350–900 (Exeter, 1986).
31. James Howard-Johnston, Witnesses to a World Crisis: Historians and histories of the Middle East in the seventh century (Oxford, 2010).
32. W. E. Kaegi, Byzantium and the Decline of Rome (Princeton, 1968).
33. A. Kaldellis, “The historical and religious views of Agathias: A reinterpretation,” Byzantion 69 (1999) 206–52.
34. A. Kaldellis, Procopius of Caesarea. Tyranny, History, and Philosophy at the End of Antiquity (Philadelphia, 2004).
35. A. Kaldellis, Hellenism in Byzantium: The Transformations of Greek Identity and the Reception of the Classical Tradition (Cambridge, 2011).
36. G. Kelly, “Ammianus and the great tsunami,” JRS 94 (2004), 141–67.
37. M. Kulikowski, “Coded polemic in Ammianus book 31 and the date and place of its composition,” JRS 102 (2012),79–102.
38. G. Marasco (ed.), Greek and Roman Historiography in Late Antiquity, 4th–6th Century AD (Leiden, 2003).
39. J. F. Matthews, “Olympiodorus of Thebes,” JRS 63 (1973), 79–97; reprinted in Political Life and Culture in Late Roman Society (Aldershot, 1985) III.
40. J. F. Matthews, The Roman Empire of Ammianus Marcellinus (London, 1989).
41. J. J. O’Donnell, Cassiodorus (Berkeley, 1979; available with 1995 “Postprint” at (accessed February 27, 2014).
42. J. J. O’Donnell, “The aims of Jordanes,” Historia 31 (1982), 223–40.
43. R. Rees, Layers of Loyalty in Latin Panegyric (Oxford, 2002).
44. W. Rohrbacher, The Historians of Late Antiquity (London and New York, 2002).
45. B. Rubin, Prokopios von Kaisareia (Stuttgart, 1954) RE 23.1, 273–599 (publ. 1957).
46. C. E. Stevens, Sidonius Apollinaris and his Age (Oxford, 1933).
47. W. Treadgold, “The Byzantine world histories of John Malalas and Eustathius of Epiphania,” The International History Review 29 (2007), 709–45.
48. W. Treadgold, The Early Byzantine Historians (London, 2010).
49. T. Urbainczyk, Socrates of Constantinople (Michigan, 1997).
50. T. Urbainczyk, “Observations on the differences between the church histories of Socrates and Sozomen,” Historia 46 (1997), 355–73.
51. T. Urbainczyk, Theodoret of Cyrrhus: The Bishop and the Holy Man (Michigan, 2002).
52. Peter Van Nuffelen, Un héritage de paix et piété. Étude sur les histoires ecclésiastiques de Socrate et Sozomène (Leuven, 2005).
53. Peter Van Nuffelen, Orosius and the Rhetoric of History (Oxford, 2012).
54. J. Vanderspoel, Themistius and the Imperial Court. Oratory, Civic Duty and Paideia from Constantius to Theodosius (Michigan, 1995).
55. Mary Whitby (ed.), The Propaganda of Power. The Role of Panegyric in Late Antiquity (Leiden, 1998).
56. Michael Whitby, “Greek historical writing after Procopius: Variety and vitality,” in Averil Cameron and L. Conrad (eds.), The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East I: Problems in the Literary Source Material (Princeton, 1992), 25–80.
57. G. Zecchini, “Teodosio II nella storiografia ecclesiastica,” Mediterraneo Antico 5 (2002), 529–46.
The Historical Narrative
1. T. D. Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius (Cambridge Mass., 1981).
2. T. D. Barnes, The New Empire of Diocletian and Constantine (Cambridge Mass., 1982).
3. T. D. Barnes, “Constantine and the Christians of Persia,” JRS 65 (1985), 126–36.
4. T. D. Barnes, Athanasius and Constantius (Cambridge Mass., 1993).
5. T. D. Barnes, Constantine. Dynasty, Religion and Power in the Later Roman Empire (Oxford, 2011).
6. R. P. C. Blockley, East Roman Foreign Policy: Formation and Conduct from Diocletian to Anastasius (Leeds, 1992).
7. G. W. Bowersock, Julian the Apostate (London, 1978).
8. H. Brandt, Geschichte der römischen Kaiserzeit von Diokletian bis zum Ende der konstantinischen Dynastie (284–363) (Berlin, 1998).
9. J. B. Bury, “The Nika riot,” JHS 17 (1897), 92–119.
10. Alan Cameron, “Theodosius the Great and the regency of Stilicho,” HSCP 73 (1969), 247–80.
11. Alan Cameron, “The empress and the poet: Paganism and politics at the court of Theodosius II,” Yale Classical Studies 27 (1982), 217–89.
12. Alan Cameron, J. Long, and L. Sherry, Barbarians and Politics at the Court of Arcadius (Berkeley, 1993).
13. Averil Cameron, “Constantinus Christianus” (review of Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius), JRS 73 (1983), 184–90.
14. P. J. Casey, Carausius and Allectus: The British Usurpers (London, 1994).
15. S. Corcoran, The Empire of the Tetrarchs (rev. edn. Oxford, 2000).
16. G. E. M. de Ste Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World (London, 1983).
17. P. S. Davies, “The origin and purpose of the persecution of AD 303,” JTS 40 (1989), 66–94.
18. H. A. Drake, Constantine and the Bishops: The politics of intolerance (Baltimore, 2000)
19. R. M. Errington, “The accession of Theodosius I,” Klio 78 (1996), 438–53.
20. R. M. Errington, “Theodosius and the Goths,” Chiron 26 (1996), 1–27.
21. R. M. Errington, “Church and state in the first years of Theodosius I,” Chiron 27 (1997), 21–72.
22. R. M. Errington, Roman Imperial Policy from Julian to Theodosius I (Chapel Hill, 2006).
23. Andrew Gillett, “Rome, Ravenna and the last western emperors,” Papers of the British School at Rome 69 (2001), 131–67.
24. M. Gleason, “Festive satire: Julian's Misopogon and the new year at Antioch,” JRS 76 (1986), 106–19.
25. G. Greatrex, “The Nika riot: A reappraisal,” JHS 117 (1997), 60–86.
26. Fiona Haarer, Anastasius I. Politics and Empire in the Late Roman World (Cambridge, 2006).
27. K. Holum, Theodosian Empresses. Women and Imperial Dominion in Late Antiquity (Berkeley, 1982).
28. F. Kolb, Diocletian und die Erste Tetrarchie (Berlin, 1987).
29. A. D. Lee, Information and Frontiers: Roman Foreign Relations in Late Antiquity (Cambridge, 1993).
30. N. Lenski, Failure of Empire: Valens and the Roman State in the Fourth Century AD (Berkeley, 2002).
31. W. Liebeschuetz, Barbarians and Bishops (Oxford, 1990).
32. S. Lieu and D. Montserrat (eds.), Constantine. History, Historiography and Legend (London, 1998).
33. P. Maraval, L’empéreur Justinien (Paris, 1999).
34. J. F. Matthews, Western Aristocracies and the Imperial Court AD 364–425 (rev. edn. Oxford, 1990).
35. M. Meier, Justinian. Herrschaft, Reich und Religion (Munich, 2004).
36. M. Meier, Anastasios I. Die Entstehung des Byzantinischen Reiches (Stuttgart, 2009).
37. J. Moorhead, Justinian (London, 1994).
38. R. Rees, Diocletian and the Tetrarchy (Edinburgh, 2004).
39. S. Schmidt-Hofner, Reagieren und Gestalten. Der Regierungsstil des spätrömischen Kaisers am Beispiel der Gesetzgebung Valentinians I. (Munich, 2008).
40. R. Van Dam, The Roman Revolution of Constantine (Cambridge, 2007).
41. S. Williams, Diocletian and the Roman Recovery (London and New York, 1985).
42. S. Williams and G. Friell, Theodosius. The Empire at Bay (London, 1994).
State and Society
1. C. Ando, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire (Berkeley, 2000).
2. J. Banaji, Agrarian Change in Late Antiquity: Gold, labour and aristocratic dominance (Oxford, 2001).
3. P. R. L. Brown, Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity. Towards a Christian Empire (Wisconsin, 1992).
4. P. R. L. Brown, Through the Eye of a Needle: Wealth, the Fall of Rome, and the Making of Christianity in the West, 350–550 AD (Princeton, 2012).
5. R. Browning, Justinian and Theodora (London, 1987).
6. Alan Cameron, Porphyrius the Charioteer (Oxford, 1973).
7. Alan Cameron, Circus Factions. Blues and Greens and Rome and Byzantium (Oxford, 1976).
8. G. E. M. de Ste Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World from the Archaic Age to the Arab Conquests (London, 1981).
9. J. Dillon, The Justice of Constantine: Law, Communication, and Control (Michigan, 2012).
10. H. Elton, Warfare in Roman Europe AD 350–425 (Oxford, 1996).
11. J. A. S. Evans, The Age of Justinian. The Circumstances of Imperial Power (London and New York, 1996).
12. D. Feissel, Documents, droit, diplomatique de l’empire romain tardif (Paris, 2010).
13. J. Harries, “The Roman imperial quaestor from Constantine to Theodosius II,” JRS 78 (1988), 148–72.
14. Jill Harries, Law and Empire in Late Antiquity (Cambridge, 1999).
15. Jill Harries and Ian Wood (eds.), The Theodosian Code: Studies in the Imperial Law of Late Antiquity (London, 1993).
16. T. Honoré, Emperors and Lawyers (2nd edn. Oxford, 1994).
17. A. H. M. Jones, The Roman Economy: Studies in Ancient Economic and Administrative History (ed. P. A. Brunt, Oxford, 1974).
18. C. Kelly, Ruling the Later Roman Empire (Cambridge Mass., 2004).
19. Anne Kolb, Transport und Nachrichtentransfer im römischen Reich (Berlin, 2000).
20. F. Kolb, Herrscherideologie in der Spätantike (Berlin, 2001).
21. R. Kaster, Guardians of Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity (Berkeley, 1988).
22. A. Laniado, Recherches sur les notables municipaux dans l’empire protobyzantin (Paris, 2002).
23. A. D. Lee, War in Late Antiquity: A Social History (Oxford, 2007).
24. W. Liebeschuetz, “The circus factions,” Convegno per Santo Mazzarino, Roma 9–11 Maggio 1991 (Saggi di storia antica 13, Rome, 2002), 163–85.
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