Ancient History & Civilisation


A map depicting the major provinces and cities of the later Roman empire

Map 1 The Later Roman Empire: created by Kirsty Harding, School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University

A map depiciting the principal cantons and cities of the Sasanian Empire

Map 2 The Sasanian Empire: created by Kirsty Harding, School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University

A map depicting the principal towns and cities of the Red Sea area during the later Roman period

Map 3 The Nile, Egypt, Ethiopia and Arabia: created by Kirsty Harding, School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University

Family Trees

A line diagram (family tree) detailing the principal relationships between family members in the Constantinian family (from Constantius I and Helena)

Family Tree 1 The Descendants of Constantius I and Helena: devised by Shaun Tougher and created by Howard Mason, School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University

A line diagram (family tree) detailing the principal relationships between family members in the Constantinian family (from Constantius I and Theodora)

Family Tree 2 The Descendants of Constantius I and Theodora: devised by Shaun Tougher and created by Howard Mason, School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University

A line diagram (family tree) detailing the family of Julius Constantius, including Gallus and Julian

Family Tree 3 The Family of Julius Constantius: devised by Shaun Tougher and created by Howard Mason, School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University

Chronology of Key Events

316 (Summer)

Birth of Constantine II

317 (1 March)

Crispus and Constantine II made Caesars (along with Licinianus)

317 (7 August)

Birth of Constantius II

320/323 (?)

Birth of Constans

324 (September)

Defeat of Licinius at Chrysopolis

324 (8 November)

Constantius II made Caesar. Founding of Constantinople

326 (May)

Crispus tried and executed at Pola. Death/disappearance (?) of Fausta

c. 328

Death of Helena, mother of Constantine I

333 (25 December)

Constans made Caesar


Constantina marries Hannibalianus

335 (September)

Dalmatius made Caesar

337 (May)

Death of Constantine I

337 (June)

Shapur II’s first assault on Nisibis

337 (June/July)

Coup against relatives and associates of Constantine I in Constantinople

337 (September)

Meeting of the brothers Constantine, Constantius and Constans in Pannonia

340 (April)

Civil war between Constantine II and Constans in Aquileia. Death of Constantine II

341 (Autumn)

Dedication Council of Antioch

342-343 (Winter)

Constans in Britain

343 (Late Summer)

Council of Serdica


Second siege of Nisibis


1100th Anniversary of the foundation of Rome

350 (January)

Murder of Constans and the beginning of Magnentius’ usurpation

350 (1 March)

Vetranio acclaimed Augustus in Illyria

350 (Summer)

Third siege of Nisibis

350 (July/August)

Decentius made Caesar by Magnentius

350 (3 June )

Nepotian acclaimed Augustus in Rome. Killed within a month along with his mother Eutropia, half-sister of Constantine I

350 (25 December)

Retirement of Vetranio

351 (15 March)

Gallus made Caesar; married to Constantina

351 (28 September)

Battle between troops of Constantius and Magnentius at Mursa

351 (Winter)

Council of Sirmium

c. 353

Constantius II marries Eusebia

353 (August)

Death of Magnentius in Lyon

353 (July-August)

Revolt of Poemenius at Trier

353 (8 November)

Beginning of Constantius’ tricennalia

353 (Winter)

Council of Arles

353/354 (Winter)

Paul ‘the Chain’ in Britain to arrest Magnentius’ supporters


Death of Constantina

354 (October)1

Trial and execution of Gallus at Pola


Themistius adlected to the Senate of Constantinople

355 (July-August)

Council of Milan

355 (August-September)

‘Rebellion’ of Silvanus in Cologne

355 (6 November)

Julian made Caesar; married to Helena, daughter of Constantine I

357 (April/May)

Constantius’ visit to Rome

357 (Spring)

Julian’s victory over Alamanni at Strasbourg

358 (April)

Constantius’ campaigns in the Danube region against the Samartians, Quadi, and Limigantes

359 (Spring)

Julian concludes treaties with Alamannic kings

359 (Spring)

Constantius campaigns against Limigantes near Aquincum

359 (Summer-Autumn)

Siege and fall of Amida to the Sasanian army

359 (Summer-Autumn)

Councils of Ariminum and Seleucia

360 (Spring?)

Council of Constantinople

360 (February)

Julian proclaimed Augustus by troops in Paris

360 (Summer-Autumn?)

Death of Helena, wife of Julian

c. 361

Constantius II marries Faustina

361 (November)

Death of Constantius II in Mopsucrene

361 (December)

Julian arrives in Constantinople


Birth of Constantia, daughter of Constantius II and Faustina


1. See Barnes 1989.

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