1878 (79?) |
Ioseb Dzhugashvili (Stalin) born in Gori, Georgia, Russian Empire |
1894–99 |
Stalin educated at Tiflis Orthodox Seminary, first contact with Marxist literature |
1899–1905 |
Stalin’s revolutionary activity in Georgia |
1906–17 |
Stalin suffers arrests and Siberian exile |
1917 |
Stalin’s participation in Bolshevik Revolution |
1918–21 |
Stalin as political commissar in civil war and commissar of nationalities |
1919 |
First Congress of Comintern |
1921–27 |
New Economic Policy |
1922 |
Stalin becomes general secretary of the Communist Party |
1928 |
Shakhty Trial |
1929 |
Beginning of collectivization; first five-year plan launched |
1932 |
Creation of Union of Soviet Writers |
1934 (December) |
Assassination of Kirov |
1936 |
Beginning of show trials of leading Bolsheviks |
1936–38 |
Great Terror |
1939 (August) |
Nazi-Soviet Pact |
1939–40 |
Soviet-Finnish War; occupation of Baltic states and Bessarabia |
1941 (April) |
Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact |
1941 (22 June) |
Nazi invasion of Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa) |
1941 (December) |
Germans stopped at Moscow |
1942 (June) |
Major German offensive in Ukraine |
1942–43 |
Battle of Stalingrad |
1943 (May) |
Dissolution of Comintern |
1943 (July) |
Battle of Kursk |
1943 (September) |
Stalin gives permission for a Church Council |
1943 (November) |
Tehran Conference |
1943–44 |
Deportation of peoples of North Caucasus and Crimea |
1944 (August–October) |
Warsaw Uprising |
1945 (February) |
Election of Patriarch Aleksei; Yalta Conference |
1945 (May) |
Surrender of Nazi Germany |
1945 (July–August) |
Potsdam Conference |
1946 (February) |
Stalin’s election speech on inevitability of war |
1946 (August) |
Central Committee attack on Zoshchenko and Akhmatova |
1946–47 |
Famine in Ukraine |
1947 |
Creation of Cominform; currency reform in USSR |
1948 (January) |
Murder of Mikhoels |
1948 (February) |
Central Committee denunciation of decadence in music |
1948 (June) |
Cominform expels Yugoslavia |
1948 (November) |
Dissolution of Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee |
1949 |
Leningrad Affair |
1953 (March) |
Death of Stalin |