Example of a job questionnaire

Basic Details

Job Title:

Name(s) of job holder(s):


Reporting Structure


Please fill in the job titles of:

• Your line manager


• Your department manager (if different)


• People who you line manage (if applicable)



Overall purpose of job


Describe as concisely as possible the overall purpose of your job – what in general terms you are expected to achieve. (You may find this at the top of your job description).

As an alternative to completing the rest of this section you may wish to attach your job description if it accurately reflects what you do. Or you can attach the job description and provide some extra information below if you think this will help the evaluators to understand your role.

Main activities


List the main activities you carry out. All jobs can be described in a relatively small number of key headings – not more than eight. Do not describe the activity in detail – one sentence to explain its essential nature will do. If you think it would be helpful to get a better understanding of your job, give an indication of what time you spend on each part of your job (as a percentage of the total).



Describe the extent to which your work is guided by guidelines, procedures or precedents and on what kinds of activities your job requires you to make choices.


Describe how regularly and on what your job requires supervision, giving examples of the kinds of things you typically receive or ask guidance on from your manager.


Give examples of the actions, advice and decisions you are free to make without needing guidance or approval from anyone else.


Does your job involve you in adapting procedures or finding new ways of working to improve how things are done, either in your own area of work or through participation in/leadership of project teams? Give examples.


Give examples of what you have to plan for/prioritize in your work, either for yourself or for others – and what timescale this typically covers.

Impact of decisions (this is about when work is being done to the required standard, not about the consequences of things going wrong)


Give examples of how the actions, recommendations and decisions that you take impact on any of the following:

• Day-to-day operations in your area of work or elsewhere in the organization.

• Colleagues/volunteers in your own area of work, or elsewhere in the organization.

• Clients, customers or other external contacts/bodies.

• External perception or reputation of the organization.

In giving examples, please give an indication of the risks and benefits that are taken into account and the timescale over which your actions, recommendations and decisions take effect.



Describe what resources or assets you are directly responsible for, eg planning, allocating or spending budgets, equipment (including equipment you use on a day-to-day basis), premises, or raising income.


If applicable, quantify the resource(s) involved, eg budget/quantity.


Do you have any other responsibility for resources that you are not directly accountable for, eg monitoring resource usage (such as records of monies, people or equipment), ensuring their safe-keeping, or in generating or spending income? If so, please describe.

Interpersonal skills


Please complete the following table to describe the key people or groups of people that you have to work with in your job, excluding the colleagues in your own department that you work with on a day-to-day basis. Include internal and external contacts.

Who (individuals or organizations)




How many people, if any, do you manage?

A. Directly


B. Indirectly (ie report in through others)


C. Not applicable


(Note: This answer should tie into the section on reporting structure.)


If applicable, describe to what extent are their jobs similar or dissimilar (to each other and to your own), and where they are based.


If there are colleagues/volunteers that do not report to you, but for whom you supervise/direct work, provide guidance or are involved in their development, please state who this is for, and what it involves.

Applied knowledge and skills (this is about what is needed to be able to do the job – this may not be the same as your own personal experience or background)


What are the basic skills, whether acquired inside or outside the organization, that are needed to do your job?


Are any specific professional, technical or vocational skills or qualifications required to do the job?


On what kinds of things do other people come to you for information, advice or as a source of expertise, because of the kind of knowledge and skills that your role requires you to have? Give examples – whether inside the organization or externally.


If your role requires you to be the sole or main source of knowledge or expertise in a particular field of work, describe what this covers.

Your comments: is there anything else about your job, not covered by the questions above, which will help others to understand and evaluate your job?

Thank you for completing this questionnaire

Before sending the completed questionnaire to HR, job holders and line managers should both read the verification statement and confirm the accuracy of the information provided by entering the date, as requested.

Verification statement I/we agree that this completed questionnaire accurately reflects the requirements of the job

Name of manager

Date questionnaire contents confirmed by line manager

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Date questionnaire contents confirmed by job holder(s)

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If you find an error or have any questions, please email us at Thank you!