CHAPTER 1 What You Need to Know About the AP World History Exam
CHAPTER 2 How to Plan Your Time
Summary: Learn background information on the AP program and exam, how exams are graded, what types of questions are asked, what topics are tested, and basic test-taking information.
Key Ideas
Many colleges and universities will give you credit for exam scores of 3 or above.
Multiple-choice questions reflect the amount of course time spent on each of the five AP World History periods.
The three types of free-response questions are based on the broad course themes.
Background Information
What Is the Advanced Placement Program?
The Advanced Placement (AP) program was begun by the College Board in 1955 to construct standard achievement exams that would allow highly motivated high school students the opportunity to be awarded advanced placement as freshmen in colleges and universities in the United States. Today, there are more than 30 courses and exams with nearly two million students taking the annual exams in May.
There are numerous AP courses in the social studies besides World History, including U.S. History, European History, U.S. Government, Comparative Government, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and Psychology. The majority of students who take AP tests are juniors and seniors; however, some schools offer AP courses to freshmen and sophomores, especially in World History.
Who Writes the AP World History Exam? Who Corrects the Exams?
Like all AP exams, the World History exam is written by college and high school instructors of world history. This group is called the AP World History Test Development Committee. The Committee constantly evaluates the test, analyzing the test as a whole and on an item-by-item basis. All questions on the World History exam are field-tested before they actually appear on an AP exam.
A much larger group of college and secondary teachers meets at a central location in early June to correct the exams that were completed by students the previous month. The scoring procedure of each grader (or “reader”) during this session is carefully analyzed to ensure that exams are being evaluated on a fair and consistent basis.
How Are Exams Graded?
Sometime in July the grade you receive on your AP exam is reported. You, your high school, and the colleges you listed on your initial application will receive the scores.
There are five possible scores that you may receive on your exam:
• 5 indicates that you are extremely well qualified. This is the highest possible grade.
• 4 indicates that you are well qualified.
• 3 indicates that you are qualified.
• 2 indicates that you are possibly qualified.
• 1 indicates that you are not qualified to receive college credit.
Individual colleges and universities differ in their acceptance of AP exam scores. Most will not consider a score below a 3 on any AP exam. Many highly competitive colleges and universities honor only scores of 5 on AP exams.
Reasons for Taking the Advanced Placement Exam
There are several very practical reasons for enrolling in an AP World History course and taking the AP World History exam in May. In the first place, during the application process colleges look very favorably on students who have challenged themselves by taking Advanced Placement courses. Although few would recommend this, it is possible to take any AP exam without taking a preparatory course for that exam.
Most important, most colleges will reward you for doing well on your AP exams. Although the goal of this manual is to help you achieve a 5, if you get a 3 or better on your AP World History exam, many colleges will either give you actual credit for a required introductory World History course or allow you to receive elective credit. You should definitely check beforehand with the colleges you are interested in to find out their policy on AP scores and credit; they will vary.
Taking a year of AP World History (or any AP) course will be a very exacting and challenging experience. If you have the capabilities, allow yourself to be challenged! Many students feel a great personal satisfaction after completing an AP course, regardless of the scores they eventually receive on the actual exam.
The higher-order thinking skills that characterize the AP World History course provide an excellent preparation for college and university studies.—College professor
What You Need to Know About the AP World History Exam
The AP World History exam consists of both multiple-choice and essay questions. The multiple-choice portion is worth 50 percent of the total exam grade, whereas the three essays together count equally for the other 50 percent. Your score on the multiple-choice section is based on the number of questions you answer correctly. There is no “guessing penalty.” No points will be deducted for incorrect answers; unanswered questions will be graded as incorrect answers.
Format of the Exam
The following table summarizes the format of the AP World History exam.
Multiple-Choice Questions
This section consists of 55 questions. Each question has four possible answers. The questions are arranged in sets of two to four questions per set. Each set begins with a written or visual stimulus. It is recommended that you use 55 minutes of the total 105 minutes you are given for Section I of the exam.
The College Board annually publishes material on the breakdown of questions on the multiple-choice test. According to their most recently published information, the multiple-choice section is broken down as follows:
• 5 percent of the questions deal with the period to c. 600 BCE.
• 15 percent of the questions deal with the period c. 600 BCE to c. 600 CE.
• 20 percent of the questions deal with the period c. 600 CE to c. 1450.
• 20 percent of the questions deal with the period c. 1450 to c. 1750.
• 20 percent of the questions deal with the period c. 1750 to c. 1900.
• 20 percent of the questions deal with the period c. 1900 to the present.
The information provided above is extremely valuable as you prepare for the multiple-choice section of the test. As you study, you should obviously concentrate your efforts on the periods since 600 CE.
For DBQs, group your information and then analyze all the details. Find what will actually be useful for your essay. Be clear, concise, and to the point.—AP student
Short-Answer Questions
The AP exam contains four short-answer questions. Each question will have parts A and B, and some questions will also contain a part C. All questions, regardless of the number of parts, are worth the same number of points. At least two of the four questions will contain historical texts, maps, drawings, photos, charts, or some other historical item that you must interpret and evaluate. It is recommended that you use 50 minutes of the 105 total minutes you are given for Section I to work on your responses to the short-answer questions.
Essay Questions
During the remaining 90 minutes of the test you will be asked to write two essays: a document-based essay question (DBQ) and a long essay question. The essays will be based on the broad themes that form the background of the AP World History course. According to the College Board description of the AP World History course, these themes include:
• Human-environmental interaction
• Disease and its effects on population
• Migration
• Settlement patterns
• Technology
• Cultural development and interaction
• Religions, belief systems, and philosophies
• Science and technology
• The arts and architecture
• State-building, expansion, and conflict
• Political structures and forms of government
• Empires
• Nations and nationalism
• Revolts and revolutions
• Regional, transregional, and global organizations and structures
• Creation, growth, and interaction of economic systems
• Agriculture and pastoralism
• Trade and commerce
• Labor systems
• Industrialization
• Capitalism and socialism
• Development and change of social structures
• Gender roles
• Family and kinship relations
• Race and ethnicity
• Social and economic class structures
Also essential to success on the essays is the ability to visualize global patterns and the reactions of societies to global processes. The ability to interpret the context of a document, as well as to analyze point of view, is necessary to compose a satisfactory response to the DBQ.
For further information on the multiple-choice and essay questions, refer to Step 3 of this manual.
Taking the Exam
When you arrive at the exam site, you should have brought the following:
• Several pencils for the multiple-choice questions.
• Several black or blue pens for the essays.
• A watch. Silence any alarms that would go off during the exam period.
• Tissues.
• Your school code.
• Your driver’s license and Social Security Number.
Leave the following items at home:
• A cell phone, beeper, PDA, walkie-talkie, or calculator.
• Books, a dictionary, study notes, flash cards, highlighters, correction fluid, a ruler, or any other office supplies.
• Portable music of any kind; no MP3 players, iPods, or CD players are allowed.
Other recommendations:
• Don’t study the night before. Arrive at the exam rested.
• Wear comfortable clothing. It’s a good idea to layer your clothing so that you are prepared for a variety of temperatures in the exam room.
• Eat a light breakfast and a light lunch on the day of the exam.