This book has been prepared by The Directorate of School Education on behalf of the Government of Tamilnadu.
Chapter 1. India - Geographical Features and their Impact on History
Chapter 2. Pre-Historic India and the Harappan Culture
Chapter 4. Jainism and Buddhism
Chapter 5. The Rise of Magadha and Alexander's Invasion
Chapter 7. Post - Mauryan India
Chapter 10. Harshavardhana (606-647 A.D.)
Chapter 11. South Indian Kingdoms - I. Pallavas
Chapter 12. South Indian Kingdoms - II. Chalukyas and Rashtrakutas
Chapter 14. The Spread of lndian Culture in other Asian Countries
Chapter 15. Early Medieval India
Chapter 17. India under the Delhi Sultanate
Chapter 18. Bhakti Movement in Medieval India
Chapter 19. Vijayanagar and Bahmani Kingdoms
Chapter 21. India under the Mughals
Chapter 23. The Coming of Europeans
Time Line - From: 1500 A.D. to 1700 A.D.