Without duplicating any mentioned in the various categories above, I wish here to list the names of all those who, in one way or other, helped me, and to whom I talked in the course of my long trip:*
ACHESON, DEAN Under Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
ACHESON, EDWARD Prof., George Washington University, Washington, D. C.
ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS Trustee, Boston, Mass.
ADAMS, ESTHER Bayley Island, Maine
ADAMS, FREDERIC Dean, Trinity Cathedral, Trenton, N. J.
ADAMS, NATHAN President, First National Bank, Dallas, Tex.
AGER, PAUL Chief Budget Officer, Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tenn.
AIKMAN, DUNCAN Writer, San Francisco, Calif.
ALCIATORE, ROY Restaurateur, New Orleans, La.
ALDERMAN, HENRY Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Ore.
ALLEN, J. W. Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Hospital, San Diego, Calif.
ALLIS, BARNEY Hotel Muehlbach, Kansas City, Mo.
ALSTON, CHARLES Painter, New York City
ANDERSON, P. L. Police & Fire Commissioner, San Antonio, Tex,
ANDERSON, CLINTON P. Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
ANHOL, HARRY M. Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colo.
ANIOL, CLAUDE Photographer, San Antonio, Tex.
APPLEBY, A. J. Shipyard Worker, Portland, Ore.
ARNALL, ELLIS G. Former Governor of Georgia, Atlanta, Ga.
ARONSON, A. Y. Managing Editor, Louisville Times, Louisville, Ky.
ATKINSON, ROY W. Regional Director, Political Action Committee, CIO, Seattle, Wash.
AUBURN, N. P. Vice Pres. & Dean of Administration, Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
AUSTIN, C. M. Director of Hospitals, State of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, S. D.
AUSTIN, EDWARD T. Editor-in-Chief, Tribune-Sun & Union, San Diego, Calif.
AVERY, BEN Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Ariz.
AYERS, EBEN Assistant Press Secretary, White House, Washington, D. C.
AYRES, CLARENCE E. Professor of Economics, University of Texas, Austin, Tex.
BABCOCK, STANLEY Past President, Butte Miners’ Union, CIO, Butte, Mont.
BACH, ROY N. Federal Aid Division, State Game & Fish Dept., Bismarck, N. D.
BACON, WILLIAM C. President, Bohemian Club, San Francisco, Calif.
BAILEY, CARL E. Former Governor of Arkansas, Little Rock, Ark.
BAILEY, THOMAS L. Late Governor of Mississippi, Jackson, Miss.
BAKER, LISLE JR. Vice Pres. & Treasurer, Louisville Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky.
BALDERSTON, JOHN L. Writer, Beverly Hills, Calif.
BALDWIN, C. B. Exec. Chairman, National Citizens Political Action Committee, New York City
BALDWIN, RAYMOND E. Senator from Connecticut, Hartford, Conn.
BALL, JOSEPH H. Senator from Minnesota, Washington, D. C.
BALL, W. W. Editor, News & Courier, Charleston, S. C.
BANE, FRANK Exec. Director, Council of State Governments, Chicago, I11.
BANKHEAD, JOHN H. Late Senator from Alabama, Washington, D. C.
BANKS, FRANK E. Supervising Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, Coulee Dam, Wash.
BANNING, MARGARET CULKIN Novelist, Duluth, Minn.
BARDWELL, MALCOLM G. Asst. Gen. Mgr. Smaller War Plants Corp., Washington, D. C.
BARNES, DR. ALBERT Art Collector, Writer & Critic, Philadelphia, Pa.
BARNES, JOSEPH Foreign Editor, N. Y. Herald Tribune, New York City
BARNET, CLAUD Associated Negro Press, Chicago, 111.
BARROWS, WILFRED M. Statistician, New England Council, Boston, Mass.
BARTH, ALAN Writer, Washington Post, Washington, D. C.
BAUGHMAN, HOWARD Hotel Hermitage, Nashville, Tenn.
BEALL, WELLWOOD Vice Pres. Boeing Aircraft Co., Seattle, Wash.
BEARDSLEY, C. R. Commerce Department, New York City
BECK, DAVE President, Joint Council of Teamsters, AF of L, Seattle, Wash.
BECKER, JOHN H. JR. Regional Committee for MVA, Omaha, Neb.
BEDFORD, CLAY Kaiser Industries, Richmond, Calif.
BEDICHEK, ROY Interscholastic League, Austin Tex.
BEHRENS, EARL C. Political Editor, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, Calif.
BENEDITTO, ANGELO DE Lt. Airborne Photographic Division, U. S. Army, Denver, Colo.
BENNION, ADAM S. Utah Power & Light Co., Salt Lake City, Utah
BENNION, FRED Exec. Sec,y, Montana Taxpayers’ Assn., Helena, Mont.
BENSON, ELMER A. Chairman, National Citizens Political Action Committee. Former Governor of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
BERGSON, PETER Chairman, Hebrew Committee for National Liberation in America, Washington, D. C.
BERNHARD, ANDREW Managing Editor, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh, Pa.
BERRY, DON Editor, Record Herald & Tribune, Indianola, Iowa
BESSE, RALPH Attorney, Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, Cleveland, Ohio.
BEZOFF, BEN Radio Commentator, KMYR, Denver, Colo.
BIBLE, ALAN Attorney General, State of Nevada, Carson City, Nev.
BIDDLE, MONCURE Clubman, Philadelphia, Pa.
BIGGERS, GEORGE C. Vice Pres, dr Gen. Manager, Atlanta Journal, Atlanta, Ga.
BIMSON, WALTER President, Valley National Bank, Phoenix, Ariz.
BINGAY, MALCOLM W. Editorial Director, Free Press, Detroit, Mich.
BIRD, FRANCIS H. Prof, of Commerce, Univ. of Cincinnati. Chairman of Board, Federal Reserve Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio
BITTER, FRANCIS T. R. Prof, dr Physicist, Cambridge, Mass.
BLACK, ROBERT President, White Motor Co., Cleveland, Ohio
BLAKE, HENRY Gen. Mgr. Capper Publications, Topeka, Kan.
BLANKE, HENRY Producer, Warner Bros., Hollywood, Calif.
BLEGEN, G. C. Superintendent, Power House, Bonneville Dam, Ore.
BLOCH, IVAN Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Ore.
BLOOD, ROBERT O. Former Governor of New Hampshire. Farmer & Surgeon, Concord, N. H.
BLUE, ROBERT D. Governor of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa.
BLUFORD, LUCILE Kansas City Call, Kansas City, Mo.
BOETTCHER, CLAUDE K. Industrialist. Sugar Magnate, Denver, Colo.
BOHLEN, CHARLES State Department Liaison Officer, White House, Washington, D. C.
BOJENS, KEN Lt. Public Relations Officer, U. S. Navy, San Diego, Calif.
BOND, REFORD Judge. Chairman, Corporation Commission, Oklahoma City, Okla.
BOULTER, THORNTON Editor, San Diego Tribune-Sun, San Diego, Calif.
BOYETT, ERNEST Executive Secretary to the Governor, Austin, Tex.
BRAYMAN, HAROLD Director, Public Relations, E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Co., Wilmington, Del.
BRICE, JOHN A. President, Atlanta Journal, Atlanta, Ga.
BRIDGES, HARRY Congress of Industrial Organizations, San Francisco, Calif.
BRIER, ROYCE Editorial Writer, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, Calif.
BRIGGS, COL. ROBERT W. Rancher & Contractor, San Antonio, Tex.
BRINEY, RUSSELL Chief Editorial Writer, Louisville Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky.
BROMFIELD, LOUIS Novelist & Farmer, Mansfield, Ohio
BROUSSARD, JOSEPH C. Restaurateur, New Orleans, La.
BROWN, HARRY C. Legislative Director for Southern California, CIO, Los Angeles, Calif.
BROWN, J. DOUGLAS Prof, of Economics, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J.
BROWN, SEVELLON Publisher, Providence Journal, Providence, R. I.
BROWNING, CHARLES P. National Representative, Chicago Defender, Chicago, I11.
BRUNDAGE, HENRY M. Commissioner of Markets, New York City
BRYAN, MALCOLM Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, Ga.
BRYSON, CONRAD Station KTSM, El Paso, Tex.
BUCKWALTER, I. Z. General Manager, Lancaster Newspapers, Inc., Lancaster, Pa.
BUFFUM, FRANCIS Secretary to Governor, Concord, N. H.
BULLER, MRS. B. FRANK Lancaster Newspapers, Inc., Lancaster, Pa.
BULLITT, ORVILLE ix. Civic Leader, Philadelphia, Pa.
BULLITT, WILLIAM C. Former Ambassador to France and U.S.S.R. Author, Washington, D. C.
BURNETT, WHIT Author, Anthologist, Editor, New York City
BURTON, HAROLD H. Supreme Court Justice, Washington, D. C.
BYFIELD, ERNEST L. Hotel Ambassador, Chicago, 111.
BYRNE, JOHN B. President, Hartford Connecticut Trust Co., Hartford, Conn.
BYRNE, MARTIN Director of Organization, Farmers Union, Jamestown, N. D.
CABELL, MRS, HENRY F. Portland, Ore.
CAMERON, GEORGE T. Publisher, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, Calif.
CAMPBELL, D. D. Braun & Co., Denver, Colo.
CAMPBELL, COL. THOMAS D. Wheat Farmer, Hardin, Mont.
CANBY, DR. HENRY SEIDEL Author, Editor, New York City
CANHAM, ERWIN D. Executive Editor, Christian Science Monitor, Boston, Mass.
CANNON, JOSEPH j. Late Publicity Commissioner, State of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
CAPRA, FRANK Motion Picture Director and Producer, Beverly Hills, Calif.
CARLL, CHARLES E. Director, Ford News Bureau, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.
CARPENTER, w. s. President, E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.
CARROLL, JAMES J. Hotel Roney Plaza, Miami Beach, Fla.
CARTER, ROBERT L. Asst. Special Counsel, Natl. Asso. Advancement of Colored People, New York City
CARTER, WILLIAM H. Textile Manufacturer, Needham Heights, Mass.
CASE, MARGARET Society Editor, Vogue, New York City.
CASE, ROBERT ORMOND Writer, The Oregonian, Portland, Ore.
CASENAVE, COUNT Restaurateur, New Orleans, La.
CASEY, LEE Columnist, Rocky Mountain Daily News, Denver, Colo.
CASSELL, L. J. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R., Amarillo, Tex.
CAULEY, JOHN Asst. City Editor, Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo.
CHANDLER, ALBERT B. Former Senator from Kentucky, Washington, D. C.
CHAPMAN, ROY Station KTSM, El Paso, Tex.
CHASEN, DAVE Restaurateur, Beverly Hills, Calif.
CHERRINGTON, BEN M. Chancellor, University of Denver, Denver, Colo.
CHILDS, MARQUIS Columnist, Washington, D. C.
CHOATE, ROBERT B. Publisher, Boston Herald, Boston, Mass.
CHRISTENSON, s. A. Bookseller, Sioux Falls, S. D.
CHRISTENSON, WALTER E. Editor, World Herald, Omaha, Neb.
CHRISTOPHERSON, FRED C. Exec. Editor, Daily Argus-Leader, Sioux Falls, S. D.
CHUNG, DR. MARGARET Physician & Civic Leader, San Francisco, Calif.
CHURCH, FREDERICK C. Insurance Exec., Boston, Mass.
CLARK, LT. CHARLES Former Assistant Counsel, Truman Committee, Washington, D. C.
CLARK, JOHN L. Political Analyst, Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh, Pa.
CLARK, TOM Attorney General, Washington, D. C.
CLAYMAN, JACOB Congress of Industrial Organizations, Columbus, Ohio
CLAYTON, WILL Under Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
CLEMENT, RUFUS E. President, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga.
CLEVELAND, CARL Advertising Mgr., Boeing Aircraft Co., Seattle, Wash.
CLUGSTON, W. G. Writer, Topeka, Kan.
COCHRAN, MRS. CLAIRE Sec’y to Senator Magnuson, Washington, D. C.
COCHRANE, R. B. Capt. U. S. Army Engineers, Bonneville Dam, Ore.
COHEN, BETTY Sec’y to Former Mayor F. H. La Guardia, New York City.
COHN, DAVID L. Writer, New York City
COLLIER, TARLTON Associate Editor, Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky.
COLLIER, JOHN Former Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Department of Interior. President, Institute of Ethnic Affairs, Washington, D. C.
COLLINS, BERTRAND Merchant Marine, Seattle, Wash.
COMBS, JUDGE J. M. Congressman, Beaumont, Tex.
COMPTON, KARL T. President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
CONANT, JAMES BRYANT President, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
CONN, JERRY Newspaperman, Lancaster, Pa.
CONNALLY, TOM Senator from Texas, Washington, D. C.
CONNELLY, MATTHEW C. Secretary to the President, Washington, D. C.
CONNERY, DAVID Director of Publicity, United Automobile Workers, CIO, Detroit, Mich.
CONRAD, E. J. President, Bismarck Capital, Bismarck, N. D.
CONRAD, GAYLORD E. Editor, Bismarck Capital, Bismarck, N. D.
COREY, GEORGE Attorney, Utah Power & Light Co., Salt Lake City, Utah
CORNWALL, J. H. Warehouseman, Salt Lake City, Utah
COSTIGAN, HOWARD G. Director, Division of Progress & Development, State of Washington. Radio Commentator, Seattle, Wash.
COTTEN, W. B. Baton Rouge Refinery, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Baton Rouge, La.
COTTINGHAM, GEORGE W. Editor, Houston Chronicle, Houston, Tex.
COUSENS, FOSTER Department of Public Utilities, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston, Mass.
COWLES, GARDNER JR. Publisher, Des Moines, Iowa.
COWLES, JOHN Publisher, Minneapolis, Minn.
COX, OSCAR Attorney. Former General Counsel FEA, OEM, and Lend Lease, Washington, D. C.
CRAUS, HENRY T. Pres. News-Journal Co., Wilmington, Del.
CRIM, H. G. White House Usher, Washington, D. C.
CRITCHLOW, HORACE Executive Secretary, MVA Association, Denver, Colo.
CRONE, B. W. Kansas City Times, Kansas City, Mo.
CROUCH, COURTNEY Braun & Co., Kansas City, Mo.
CROUSE, RUSSEL Playwright, New York City
CROZIER, HARRY B. Unemployment Compensation Commission, Austin, Tex.
CRUMP, E. H. Politician, Memphis, Tenn.
CUKOR, GEORGE Film Producer & Director, Beverly Hills, Calif.
CUNEO, ERNEST Attorney at law, New York City
CURRENT, GLOSTER Director of Branches, Natl. Asso. Advancement of Colored People, New York City
CURREY, BROWNLEE President, Equitable Securities Corp. Publisher, Southern Agriculturist Nashville, Tenn.
CURTIN, ROBERT E. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Co., Wilmington, Del.
CUSHING, RICHARD j. The Most Rev. Arch bishop of Boston, Boston, Mass.
DALE, EDGAR Prof, of Educational Research, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio
DANIELS, JOSEPHUS Editor & Publisher, New. and Observer, Raleigh, N. C.
DARDEN, COLGATE W. JR. Former Governor a Virginia, Richmond, Va
DAVENPORT, MRS. DORA Chief County Probation Officer, San Antonio, Tex.
DAVENPORT, RUSSELL W. Writer, Poet & Editor, New York City
DAVIDSON, jo Sculptor. Chairman of Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions, New York City
DAVIES, JOSEPH E. Former Ambassador to U.S.S.R. and Belgium, Washington, D. C.
DAVIS, CHESTER c. President, Federal Reserve Bank. Former War Foods Administrator, St. Louis, Mo.
DAVIS, DOWDAL H. Advertising Mgr., Kansas City Call, Kansas City, Mo.
DAVIS, ELMER Radio Commentator. Former Di’ rector OWI, Washington, D. C.
DAVIS, HARVEY Vice President, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
DAVIS, LEE New Orleans Item, New Orleans, La.
DAVIS, PAUL President, American National Bank, Nashville, Tenn.
DAWSON, MARTHA Rich’s, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.
DEAN, W. L. Banker & Director, Santa Fe R. R., Topeka, Kan.
DELANEY, JOHN Chairman, Board of Transportation, New York City
de LUE, WILLARD Newspaperman, Boston, Mass.
DEMPSEY, JOHN J. Former Governor of New Mexico, Santa Fe, N. M.
DERNONCOURT, JOE CIO, Oklahoma City, Okla.
DEWEY, THOMAS E. Governor of New York, Albany, N. Y.
DICKINSON, HENRY F. Attorney, Carmel-by-the-Sea, Calif.
DICKINSON, J. M. Breeder of Arabian Horses, Nashville, Tenn.
DIERDORF, JOHN Pacific Power & Light Co., Portland, Ore.
DILLON, JAMES D. Assistant Superintendent Industrial Relations, Geneva Steel Co., Provo, Utah
DILLON, MARY Former President, Board of Education, New York City
DODDS, HAROLD W. President, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J.
DONOGHUE, JOSEPH A. Regional Director, Political Action Committee, CIO, Philadelphia, Pa.
DONOVAN, MAJ. GEN. WM. J. Former Commanding Officer, OSS. Attorney, New York City
DOUGHERTY, M. G. Attorney. Member of Arizona Power Authority, Phoenix, Ariz.
DOUGLAS, EMILY TAFT Former Congresswoman from Illinois, Washington, D. C.
DOUGLAS, HELEN GAHAGAN Congresswoman from Calif., Washington, D. C.
DOUGLAS, WILLIAM O. Supreme Court Justice, Washington, D. C.
DOWNEY, SHERIDAN Senator from California, Washington, D. C.
DRAPER, DOROTHY Decorator, New York City
DU BOIS, BEN F. Banker, Sauk Centre, Minn.
DUNN, BRIAN BORU Writer, Santa Fe, N. M.
DUNN, JAMES Director of Finance, State of California, Sacramento, Calif.
DUNN, ROY E. Republican National Committeeman, Minneapolis, Minn.
DU PONT, MR. & MRS. ALFRED v. Greenville, Del.
DUPUIS, CHARLES W. President, Central Trust Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
DUTTON, WILLIAM S. Writer, E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Co., Wilmington, Del.
DWIGHT, BEN Former Governor of the Choctaw Nation, Oklahoma City, Okla.
EARLE, GEORGE H. HI Former Governor of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pà.
EBY, HAROLD Prof. University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
EDEN, WILLIAM J. Member of Corporation Commission, Phoenix, Ariz.
EDGE, WALTER E. Former Ambassador to France. Governor of New Jersey, Trenton, N. J.
EISENHOWER, GEN. DWIGHT D. Chief of Staff, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.
ELLIOTT, JOHN B. Jameson Petroleum Company, Los Angeles, Calif.
ELLIS, JOHN B. City Solicitor, Cincinnati, Ohio
ELLIS, SCOTT Farmer, Dallas Center, Iowa
ELLISTON, HERBERT Asso. Editor, Washington Post, Washington, D. C.
ELSTAD, R. T. General Mgr., Oliver Iron Mining Co., Hibbing, Minn.
EMERSON, HOWARD P. Assistant Director, Commerce Department, TVA, Knoxville, Tenn.
EPSTEIN, MAX Industrialist. Connoisseur, Chicago, 111.
EVANS, ERNESTINE Writer, New York City
EVANS, JOHN G. General Superintendent, United Pueblos Agency, Albuquerque, N. M.
EVERETT, ROLLIN H. Member City Council. Editor, The Sun, Cincinnati, Ohio
EVJUE, WILLIAM T. Editor, Capital Times, Madison, Wis.
EWING, A. BRUCE Public Relations, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.
EWING, ROBERT J. Station KWKA, Shreveport;, La.
EZEKIEL, MORDECAI Economic Adviser, Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
FABER, E. C. Sgt. State Highway Patrol, Des Moines, Iowa
FAGER, MAURICE E. Kansas Industrial Development Commission, Topeka, Kan.
FARLEY, CAL Boys’ Ranch, Old Tascosa, Tex.
FARNSLEY, CHARLES P. Attorney, Louisville, Ky.
FAWCETT, VANCE Kaiser Industries, Oakland, Calif.
FENTON, DR. R. A. Physician & Surgeon. Portland, Ore.
FERGER, ROGER H. Publisher, Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio
FIELD, HARRY H. Late Director, National Opinion Research Center, Denver, Colo.
FILES, MISS RAE Legislator, Waxahacbie, Tex.
FINLETTER, T. D. Judge, Municipal Court, Philadelphia, Pa.
FINNEGAN, RICHARD T. Editor, Chicago Times, Chicago, 111.
FISCHER, BEN United Steel Workers of America, New Kensington, Pa.
FISHER, MARGARET Committee of Editors & Writers of the South, Atlanta, Ga.
FISHER, VORIES Photographer, Chicago, 111.
FLEMING, LAMAR JR. Cotton Broker, Houston, Tex.
FLEMING, ROSCOE B. Writer, Denver, Colo.
FLETCHER, ROBERT H. Author, Montana Power Co., Butte, Mont.
FLIPPEN, ROBERT B. Racial & Religious Adviser, Booker T. Washington Community Center, San Francisco, Calif.
FLOYD, C. B. Santa Fe New Mexican, Santa Fe, N. M.
FLYNN, FRANK Station KFBC, Cheyenne, Wyo.
FORD, HENRY Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.
FORD, JEREMIAH D. Prof, of Romance Languages, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
FORD, O’NEIL Project Architect, La Villita, San Antonio, Tex.
FORMAN, PHILIP Judge, Federal Court, Trenton, N. J.
FORTE, RALPH Foreign Correspondent, United Press, New York City
FOWLER, RICHARD B. Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo.
FRANK, JEROME N. Former Chairman SEC. Judge U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, New York City
FRANKENSTEEN, RICHARD T. Former Vice Pres. United Automobile Workers, CIO, Detroit, Mich.
FRANKFURTER, FELIX Supreme Court Justice, Washington, D. C.
FULBRIGHT, J. WILLIAM Senator from Arkansas, Washington, D. C.
FULLER, W. PARMER Manufacturer, San Francisco, Calif.
FURLONG, WILLIAM HARRISON Inter-American Highway Association, San Antonio, Tex.
GAETH, ARTHUR Radio Commentator. Vice Pres. Intermountain Network, Salt Lake City, Utah
GALE, RICHARD Former Congressman. Farmer, Minneapolis, Minn.
GALLICO, PAUL Writer, New York City
GANTT, DR. W. HORSLEY Director, Pavlov Laboratory, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md.
GARDNER, GEORGE PEABODY Trustee, Boston, Mass.
GEORGE, HAROLD L., Lt. Gen. Air Transport Command, Army Air Forces, Washington, D. C.
GEROULD, RUSSELL Secretary to Former Governor Saltonstall, Boston, Mass.
GERVASI, FRANK Writer, Washington, D. C.
GIESEL, FRED Business Manager, Cincinnati Post, Cincinnati, Ohio
GILES, GROVER Attorney General, State of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
GILROY, EDWARD u. Secretary to Governor Edge, Trenton, N. J.
GLASSCOFF, DONALD G. National Adjutant, American Legion, Indianapolis, Ind.
GLENN, GEORGE E. JR. President, Exposition Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga.
GODFREY, ART Music Dealer, Sioux Falls, S. D.
GOLDWYN, SAM Motion Picture Producer, Hollywood, Calif.
GOOCH, J. A. Attorney, Fort Worth, Tex.
GOODELL, JULIAN Judge, Superior Court, San Francisco, Calif.
GORMLEY, ARTHUR T. Business Mgr., Register & Tribune, Des Moines, Iowa.
GRAHAM, CHARLES A. Attorney. Chairman MVA Association, Denver, Colo.
GRAHAM, FRANK President, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.
GRAHAM, JAMES D. President, State Federation of Labor (AF of L), Helena, Mont.
GORHAM, R. w. Superintendent, Rolling Mill, Geneva Steel Co., Provo, Utah
GRAFTON, SAMUEL Columnist, New York Post, New York City
GRAVES, ROSALIND Newspaperwoman, Fort Worth, Tex.
GREATON, EVERETT Maine Development Commission, Augusta, Me.
GRIFFITH, HERMAN Decorator, Duluth, Minn.
GRISWOLD, DWIGHT P. Former Governor of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
GROVE, WILLIAM C. Manager, Station KFBC, Cheyenne, Wyo.
GRUENING, DR. ERNEST Governor of Alaska, New York City
GUFFEY, JOSEPH F. Former Senator from Pennsylvania, Washington, D. C.
GUND, GEORGE President, Cleveland Trust Co., Cleveland, Ohio
GUNTHER, JOHN JR. Student, Deerfield, Mass.
GURNEY, CHAN Senator from South Dakota, Sioux Falls, S. D.
GUYTON, PEARL VIVIAN Writer, Natchez, Miss.
HACKETT, C. M. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.
HAGERTY, JAMES C. Exec. Asst. to Governor, Albany, N. Y.
HAGGART, R. S. Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Training Center, San Diego, Calif.
HAGGERTY, C. J. Sec’y-Treas. Calif. State Federation of Labor, AF of L, San Francisco, Calif.
HALL, G. L. Transcontinental & Western Airlines, Amarillo, Tex.
HALLAM, CLEMENT B. Exec. Editor, News Journal, Wilmington, Del.
HALLORAN, M. W. Political Writer, Star-Journal & Tribune, Minneapolis, Minn.
HAMILTON, J. D. M. Attorney. Former Chairman, Republican National Committee, Philadelphia, Pa.
HANDLAN, WILLIAM Director, West Virginia Industrial & Publicity Commission, Charleston, W. Va.
HARDESTY, A. R. North Texas Sub-Regional Director, CIO, Dallas, Tex.
HARDING, ELLISON President, Fort Worth National Bank, Fort Worth, Tex.
HARPER, LUCIUS C. Executive Editor, Chicago Defender, Chicago, 111.
HARRINGTON, OLIVER W. Public Relations Director, Natl. Asso. Advancement of Colored People, New York City
HARRIS, HEBERT Station WAGA, Atlanta, Ga.
HARRISON, JOSEPH Professor University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
HARTEN, JAMES Inspector, Police Aide to ex-Mayor La Guardia, New York City
HARVEY, S. A. Works Manager, TVA, Muscle Shoals, Ala.
HARWELL, COLEMAN Merchant. Former Exec. Editor, Nashville Tennessean, Nashville, Tenn.
HASKELL, H. J. Editor, Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo.
HATCH, CARL A. Senator from New Mexico, Washington, D. C.
HAWKINS, FRANK Editorial Writer, Atlanta Journal, Atlanta, Ga.
HAWKINS, GEORGE Connoisseur, Mansfield, Ohio
HAYES, GORDON Professor of Economics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
HAYS, REUBEN B. Vice Pres. Federal Reserve Bank, Cleveland, Ohio
HEINSOHN, DR. EDMUND Pastor, University Methodist Church, Austin, Tex.
HELLEBUST, A. L. Secretary, North Dakota Farmers Union, Jamestown, N. D.
HEMENWAY, c. c. Editor, Hartford Times, Hartford, Conn.
HENRY, MRS. CHARLTON Philadelphia, Pa.
HERON, COL. ALEXANDER R. Director, Reconstruction & Re-employment, State of Calif., San Francisco, Calif.
HERRING, CLYDE Late Governor of Iowa, Washington, D. C.
HEWITT, DR. EDGAR L. Director, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, N. M.
HIGGINS, ANDREW J. Industrialist, New Orleans, La.
HIGGINS, MISS JOY M. Higgins Industries, New Orleans, La.
HIGINBOTHAM, w. A. Federation of Atomic Scientists, Washington, D. C.
HILDRETH, HORACE A. Governor of Maine, Portland, Me.
HILL, GEORGE R. Former Director of Education & Research, CIO, Denver, Colo.
HILL, LISTER Senator from Alabama, Washington, D. C.
HOBBY, W. P. Former Governor of Texas. President, Houston Post, Houston, Tex.
HODGES, MRS. ABNER Natchez, Miss.
HODGES, CHARLES E. Mng. Dir, Chamber of Commerce, Charleston, W. Va.
HOFFMAN, FERLE National Association Advancement of Colored People, New York City
HOLBROOK, STEWART H. Writer, Portland, Ore.
HOLCOMB, PAUL B. Editor, State Observer, Austin, Tex.
HOLLOWAY, W. A. Former Regional Director, Political Action Committee, CIO, Kansas City, Mo.
HOLLOWAY, W. J. Former Governor, Member Interstate Oil Compact Committee, Oklahoma City, Okla.
HOLSIE, ALVIN Secretary, Board of Trustees, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala.
HOLTER, NORMAN President, Montana Trailways Association, Helena, Mont.
HONEYMAN, MRS. NANNIE WOOD Collector of Customs, Portland, Ore.
HOPKINS, HARRY L., the late, Washington, D. C.
HORNBLOW, ARTHUR JR. Motion Picture Producer, Beverly Hills, Calif.
HORTON, JOHN Director, U. S. Forest Service, Portland, Ore.
HOTCHKISS, STUART Rubber Executive, Madison, Conn.
HOUGHLAND, MASON Master of Hounds, Hillsboro Hounds, Nashville, Tenn.
HOWARD, NATHANIEL R. Editor, Cleveland News, Cleveland, Ohio
HOWARD, W. K. Bookseller, Louisville, Ky.
HOWE, GENE A. President & Publisher, Amarillo Daily News, Amarillo, Tex.
HOWE, QUINCY Radio Commentator, New York City
HOWSE, CECIL Kansas City Star, Topeka, Kan.
HOYT, E. PALMER Former Publisher, The Oregonian. Editor & Publisher, Denver Post, Denver, Colo.
HUGHES, CHARLES EVANS JR. Chairman, Mayor’s Committee on Race & Religion, New York City
HULL, CORDELL Former Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
HUMPHREY, H. J. Mayor, Minneapolis, Minn.
HUNT, LESTER C. Governor of Wyoming, Cheyenne, Wyo.
HUNTER, CROIL Pres. Northwest Airlines, St. Paul, Minn.
HUNTRESS, FRANK San Antonio Express, San Antonio, Tex.
HUTCHINS, ROBERT M. Chancellor, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111.
HUTTON, MAJOR S. E. Director of Information, Bureau of Reclamation, Coulee Dam, Wash.
ICKES, HAROLD L. Former Secretary of Interior, Washington, D. C.
INGERSOLL, RALPH MC A. Journalist, New York City
IRELAND, RAY W. Col. Asst. Chief of Staff, Air Transport Command, U. S. Army Air Forces, Washington, D. C.
ISE, JOHN Prof, of Economics, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
IVINS, H. GRANT Prof, of Animal Husbandry, Brigham Young University. State Director, OPA, Provo, Utah
IZZARD, WESLEY S. Editor-in-chief, Amarillo Daily News, Amarillo, Tex.
JACK, WILLIAM Secretary of State, Wyoming, Cheyenne, Wyo.
JACKSON, H. w. JR. Universal Leaf Tobacco Co., Richmond, Va.
JACKSON, JOSEPH HENRY Literary Editor, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, Calif.
JACKSON, ROBERT H. Supreme Court Justice, Washington, D. C.
JACKSON, THOMAS E. Capt. State Police, Santa Fe, N. M.
JACOBSEN, JOHN M. Regional Director, Political Action Committee, CIO, Minneapolis, Minn.
JANEWAY, ELIOT Writer, New York City
JENSEN, VERNON Prof. Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.
JOHNSON, DR. GUY B. Exec. Director, Southern Regional Council, Atlanta, Ga.
JOHNSON, KENNETH F. State Senator, Carson City, Nev.
JOHNSON, SPUD Custodian, Harwood Gallery, Taos, N. M.
JOHNSTON, ERIC President, Motion Picture Producers & Distributors Asso. Ex-President, U. S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D. C.
JONES, ALTON Director, Correspondence Division, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
JONES, BOB Sioux Falls Argus-Leader, Sioux Falls, S. D.
JONES, GEORGE Republican State Chairman, Minneapolis, Minn.
JONES, HARRISON Chairman of the Board, Coca Cola Co., Atlanta, Ga.
JONES, JESSE Politician, Washington, D. C.
JONES, MADISON S. JR. Administrative Assistant, Natl. Asso. Advancement of Colored People, New York City
JONES, RONALD E. Vegetable Shipper. State Secretary, Farmers’ Union, Brooks, Ore.
JORDAN, JOSEPH Oliver Iron Mining Co., Ribbing, Minn.
JUDD, WALTER H. Congressman from Minnesota, Washington, D. C.
KAISER, HENRY J. Industrialist, Oakland, Calif.
KALTENBORN, H. V. Radio Commentator, New York City
KAPLAN, RABBI HARRY Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
KEANE, GERTRUDE Sec’y to ex-Mayor La Guardia, New York City
KELLER, KEN R. Secretary to Governor, Lincoln, Neb.
KELLS, L. L. City Solicitor, Sauk Centre, Minn.
KELLY, MRS. GEORGE M. D. Melrose, Natchez, Miss.
KENDALL, WILLIAM Coca-Cola Company, Natchez, Miss.
KENNAN, GEORGE F. Department of State, Washington, D. C.
KENNEDY, ROBERT E. Chicago Times, Chicago, 111.
KENNIN, HARRY Former State Senator. Exec. Sec’y, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Ore.
KERR’, ROBERT S. Ex-Governor of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Okla.
KERR’, T. S. Dean, College of Letters & Sciences Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
KESTERSON, CAPT, TOM Pilot, TVA, Knoxville, Tenn.
KILGORE, HARLEY A. Senator from West Virginia, Washington, D. C.
KILGUSS, FREDERICK C. Exec. Sec’y to Governor, Providence, R. I.
KING, BURT Hotel Last Frontier, Las Vegas, Nev.
KING, JOHN Director of Radio & Research, State Grange, Seattle, Wash.
KINGDON, FRANK Chairman, National Citizens Political Action Committee, New York City
KINTNER, ROBERT Vice-Pres. American Broadcasting Company, New York City
KLINE, ALLAN B. Pres. Iowa Farm Bureau Fed., Des Moines, Iowa
KNICKERBOCKER’, FRED H. Executive Assistant, Union Pacific Railroad, Salt Lake City, Utah
KNOX, HARLEY E. Mayor, San Diego, Calif.
KORDA, HAL Asst, to Publisher, San Diego Journal, San Diego, Calif.
KRAUS, GILBERT T. Attorney. Vice Pres. Philadelphia Record, Philadelphia, Pa.
KROCIC, ARTHUR Chief of Washington Bureau, New York Times, Washington, D. C.
KROLL, JACK Director, Political Action Committee, CIO, Cincinnati, Ohio
KUHNS, JOHN c. Asst. Regional Forester, Portland, Ore.
KUNZ, ERNST Hotel St. Anthony, San Antonio, Tex.
LA FOLLETTE, CHARLES M. Ex-Congressman from Indiana, Washington, D. C.
LA FOLLETTE, ISABEL BACON Asso. Editor, The Progressive, Madison, Wis.
LA FOLLETTE, PHILIP F. Former Governor, Madison, Wis.
LA FOLLETTE, ROBERT M. JR. Ex-Senator from Wisconsin, Washington, D. C.
LA GUARDIA, FIORELLO H. Former Mayor, New York City
LAIRD, LANDON Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo.
LAMONT, ROBERT P. JR. Industrialist & Farmer, Waukesha, Wis.
LANDESS, w. M. Program Exposition Unit, TVA, Knoxville, Tenn.
LANDON, ALFRED M. Republican Candidate for President, 1936, Topeka, Kan.
LANGLEY, JAMES M. Editor & Publisher, Concord Daily Monitor, Concord, N. H.
LAPHAM, ROGER D. Mayor, San Francisco, Calif.
LARSEN, KARLY President, Northwestern District Council, International Woodworkers of America, CIO, Seattle, Wash.
LARSON, DOROTHY JANE. Writer, Santa Fe, N. M.
LAUSCHE, FRANK J. Former Governor of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio
LAW, CHARLES Congress of Industrial Organizations, Phoenix, Ariz.
LAW, F. M. Chairman of the Board, First National Bank, Houston, Tex.
LAW, F. M. JR. Bookseller, Houston, Tex.
LAWRENCE, DAVID L. Mayor of Pittsburgh and Democratic State Chairman, Pittsburgh, Pa.
LAWRENCE, J. E. Editor, Lincoln Star, Lincoln, Neb.
LAZARUS, REUBEN A. Asst, to Former Mayor La Guardia, New York City
LECKRONE, WALTER Editor, Indianapolis Times, Indianapolis, Ind.
LEECH, MARGARET Author, New York City
LEFFLER, ROSS L. Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa.
LEWIS, F. M. Chief Electrical Engineer, Bonneville Dam, Ore.
LEWIS, LLOYD Historian, Newspaperman, Chicago, 111.
LINDLEY, ERNEST Columnist, Washington, D. C.
LINDSAY, HOWARD Playwright. Actor, New York City
LINN, HARRY D. Sec’y of Agriculture, State of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa
LITTLE, WALTER Southern Pacific Railroad, Sacramento, Calif.
LITVAK, ANATOL Motion Picture Director, Pacific Palisades, Calif.
LIVINGSTON, GOODHUE JR. Exec. Sec’y to Ex-Mayor La Guardia, New York City
LIVODA, MICHAEL Sub-Regional Dir. CIO, Denver, Colo.
LOBLE, LESTER H. Democratic State Chairman, Helena, Mont.
LOCHARD, METZ Editor, Chicago Defender, Chicago, I11.
LOCKWOOD, PAUL Secretary to the Governor, Albany, N. Y.
LONG, THOMAS A. State Sec’y CIO Council, Denver, Colo.
LONG, WILLIAM E. Kansas Industrial Development Commission, Topeka, Kan.
LOSING, JUDGE AUGUSTUS PEABODY Trustee and Agent, North Plymouth, Mass.
LOTTINVILLE, SAVOIE Univ. of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Okla.
LOVETT, MRS. ROBERT W. Boston, Mass.
LUBITSCH, ERNST Film Producer & Director, Beverly Hills, Calif.
LUCE, HENRY R. Editor & Publisher, New York City
LUCEY, THE MOST REV. ROBERT E. Archbishop of San Antonio, San Antonio, Tex.
LUHAN, MABLE DODGE Writer, Taos, N. M.
LYNCH, JULIA Writer, San Francisco, Calif.
LYONS, LEONARD Columnist, New York Post, New York City
McAFEE, WILLIAM Attorney, McAfee & Gross-man, Cleveland, Ohio
McCAREY, LEO Motion Picture Director, Hollywood, Calif.
McCARRAN, PATRICK Senator from Nevada, Washington, D. C.
McCARTHY, RAYMOND F. Special Agent, Dept, of Justice, State of California, Sacramento, Calif.
McCLASKEY, HENRY Asst. Gen. Mgr. Louisville Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky.
McCLENDON, JAMES T. Physician & Surgeon. National Association for Advancement of Colored People, Detroit, Mich.
McCLOY, JOHN j. Former Asst. Sec’y of War, Washington, D. C.
McCLUSKY, H. S. Attorney. Referee Industrial Commission, Phoenix, Ariz.
McCRAKEN, TRACY S. Newspaper Publisher, Democratic National Committeeman, Cheyenne, Wyo.
McCREEDY, H. T. Asst. Regional Director, Political Action Committee, CIO, Detroit, Mich.
McDERMOTT, MICHAEL J. Special Asst, to the Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
MACGOWAN, HOWARD Smaller War Plants Corp., Seattle, Wash.
McGRAW, DON Row River Lumber Co., Portland. Ore.
McGRAW, MRS. DON Former President, League of Women Voters, Portland, Ore.
MACGREGOR, JOHN M. General Manager, MacGregor Land & Livestock Co., Hooper, Wash.
McGRATH, J. HOWARD Senator from Rhode Island. Ex-U. S. Solicitor General, Providence, R, I.
McGUIRE, DAVID R. Director of Public Relations, Higgins Industries, New Orleans, La.
McKAY, WALLACE City Light Co., Seattle, Wash.
McKEE, PAUL B. President, Portland Gas & Electric Co., Portland, Ore.
McKELLAR, KENNETH Senator from Tennessee, Washington, D. C.
McKEOUGH, RAYMOND S. Political Action Committee, CIO, Chicago, III.
McKINNON, CLINTON D. Editor & Publisher, San Diego Daily Journal, San Diego, Calif.
McKITRICK, DAVID Elmscourt, Natchez, Miss.
McLAUGHLIN, JOSEPH Democratic City Committee, Philadelphia, Pa.
McLEAN, EVALYN WALSH Washington, D. C.
McLEAN, ROBERT President, Phila. Bulletin, Philadelphia, Pa.
McMURRAY, ELIZABETH ANN Bookseller, Dallas, Tex.
McNEILL, J. S. JR. San Antonio Light, San Antonio, Tex.
McNEILL, WARREN Associated Press, Nashville, Tenn.
McNICHOLAS, THOMAS M. SePy-Treas. Tennessean Newspapers, Inc., Nashville, Tenn.
McNUTT, PAUL V. High Commissioner to Philippines. Chairman, War Manpower Commission, Washington, D. C.
McPEAK, CARL A. Regional Director, Political Action Committee, CIO, Dallas, Tex.
MADRY, ROBERT W. Director of Publicity, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.
MAGNUSON, WARREN G. Senator from Washington, Washington, D. C.
MAHONEY, DANIEL J. General Manager, Miami Daily News, Miami, Fla.
MAHONEY, EUGEN C. Democratic National Committeeman, Sioux Falls, S. D.
MALLON, H. N. President, Dresser Industries, Cleveland, Ohio
MALONE, DUDLEY FIELD Attorney, Beverly Hills, Calif.
MALONE, GEORGE W. Senator from Nevada, Reno, Nev.
MANKIEWICZ, HERMAN Dramatist & Motion Picture Writer, Beverly Hills, Calif.
MANN, DAVID H. Asst. Dir. of Publicity, State of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
MANSFIELD, HAROLD Director of Public Relations, Boeing Aircraft Co., Seattle, Wash.
MANSHIP, CHARLES P. Publisher, Baton Rouge State-Timcs-Morning Advocate, Baton Rouge, La.
MARCANTONIO, VITO Congressman from New York, Washington, D. C.
MARDIKIAN, GEORGE Restaurateur, San Francisco, Calif.
MARKHAM, R. H. Christian Science Monitor, Boston, Mass.
MARSH, JUDGE ROBERT MC CURDY Member Board of Health, New York City
MARTIN, EDWARD Senator from Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pa.
MARTIN, JOSEPH W., JR. Speaker, House of Representatives & Congressman from Mass., Washington, D. C.
MASSEY, W. M. Vice Pres. Fort Worth National Bajik, Fort Worth, Tex.
MATSON, CARLTON Asso. Editor, Cleveland Press, Cleveland, Ohio
MATTHEWS, ROBERT Prof, of Lazv, Ohio State Univ. Pres. League for Constitutional Rights, Columbus, Ohio
MAYTUBBY, FLOYD Governor of the Chickasaw Nation, Oklahoma City, Okla.
MATZKE, STANLEY A. Former Chairman Legislative Council, Director of Insurance, State of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
MAURY, H. LOWNDES Attorney, Butte, Mont.
MAW, HERBERT B. Governor of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
MAXWELL, ELSA Columnist, New York City
MAYER, MILTON Writer, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.
MAYFIELD, FRANK M. Department Store Pres., St. Louis, Mo.
MAYS, BENJAMIN E. President, Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga.
MAYS, T. H. American Air Lines, El Paso, Tex.
MEADOWS, c. w. Governor of W. Virginia, Charleston, W. Va.
MEALAND, RICHARD Story Editor, Paramount Pictures, Hollywood, Calif.
MEEMAN, EDWARD J. Editor, Press-Scimitar, Memphis, Tenn.
MENNINGER, DR. KARL A. Psychiatrist, Menninger Clinic, Topeka, Kan.
METCALFE, ORRICK Automobile Dealer, Natchez, Miss.
MILLS, CLARENCE Judge, District Court, Oklahoma City, Okla.
MILLS, WILLIAM W. President, Tax Commission, New York City
MITCHELL, GEORGE s. Regional Dir., Political Action Committee, CIO, Atlanta, Ga.
MOHLER, J. C. State Board of Agriculture, Topeka, Kan.
MONRONEY, A. S. MIKE Congressman from Oklahoma, Washington, D. C.
MONTGOMERY, W. T. Rancher & Cattleman, San Antonio, Tex.’
MOORE, M. L. Shop Steward, Boilermakers Union, TV A, Wilson Dam, Ala.
MOORMAN, DR. L. J. Former Dean, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.
MORANO, ALBERT p. Sec’y to Former Congress-woman Clare Boothe Luce, Washington, D. C.
MORGAN, DR. HARCOURT Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tenn.
MORGENTHAU, HENRY JR. Former Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D. C.
MORONY, JANET Sec’y to Attorney General, Sacramento, Calif.
MORRIS, NEWBOLD Ex-President of Council, New York City
MORROW, MARCO Former Gen. Mgr. Capper Publications, Topeka, Kan.
MORSE, WAYNE Senator from Oregon, Washington, D. C.
MOSER, LT. RICHARD G., USNR Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department, Summit, N. J.
MULLINS, w. E. Boston Herald, Boston, Mass.
MULROY, JAMES w. Asst. Mgn. Editor, Chicago Sun, Chicago, Ill.
MURDOCK, KENNETH B. Prof, of English, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.
MURPHY, CHARLES F. City Magistrate, New York City
MURPHY, DONALD R. Editor, Wallace’s Fanner, Des Moines, Iowa
MURPHY, FRANCIS S. General Manager, Hartford Times, Hartford, Conn.
MURPHY, JOHN Attorney, Sioux Falls, S. D.
MURRAY, JAMES E. Senator from Montana, Washington, D. C.
MYERS, CAPT. HENRY Pilot, Presidential Plane, Air Transport Command, U. S. Army Air Forces, Washington, D. C.
NAFTALIN, ARTHUR Sec’y to Mayor Humphrey, Minneapolis, Minn.
NELSON, ROBERT W. Vice Pres. 1st National Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio
NEWBRANCH, H. E. Editor-in-chief, World-Herald, Omaha, Neb.
NEWCOMB, ROBERT Co-editor, Copper Commando, Butte, Mont.
NIBLEY, JOEL State Liquor Commission, Salt Lake City, Utah
NICHOLS, DUDLEY Motion Picture Writer & Producer, Hollywood, Calif.
NIGGLI, JOSEPHINA Writer, San Antonio, Tex.
NOLAN, JUDGE MARK District Court, Duluth, Minn.
NORDYKE, LEWIS Writer, Amarillo Daily News, Amarillo, Tex.
NORTH, JAMES M. Editor, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Tex.
NUNN, WILLIAM G. Mgn. Editor, Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh, Pa.
NYE, JOHN H. Exec, Ed. The Tennessean, Nashville, Tenn.
O’CONNELL, JERRY, Democratic State Central Committee, Seattle, Wash.
ODUM, PROF. HOWARD W. Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.
O’DWYER, WILLIAM Mayor, New York City
O’FLAHERTY, HAL Foreign Editor, Chicago Daily News, Chicago, Ill.
O’GARA, GEORGE Hardware Store Proprietor, Sauk Centre, Minn.
O’LEARY, WILFRID Attorney, Cheyenne, Wyo.
OLSON, ORVILLE National Citizens Political Action Committee, Minneapolis, Minn.
O’MAHONEY, JOSEPH C. Senator from Wyoming, Washington, D. C.
O’NEAL, SAM A. Director of Publicity, Democratic National Committee, Washington, D. C.
ORECK, MARVIN Merchant, Duluth, Minn.
ORLICH, MARY Vice Pres. National CIO Women’s Auxiliary. Pres, of International Mines, Mill, & Smeltermans Women’s Auxiliary, Butte, Mont.
ORMEROD, MAJOR C. B. British Information Services, New York City
ORRELL, JESSE C. Steamfitters Union, TV A, Wilson Dam, Ala.
OSBORN, SIDNEY P. Governor of Arizona, Phoenix, Ariz.
OUTMAN, W. D. Legislative Representative, State of Florida, Washington, D. C.
OVERTURF, FRANK Gen. Sec’y, National Farmers Union, Amarillo, Tex.
OWENS, HAMILTON Editor in Chief, Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, Md.
OWTHWAITE, R. M. Vice Pres. John Morrell & Co., Packers, Topeka, Kan.
PANASKY, SAM Theatre Owner, Boston, Mass.
PAPPAS, THOMAS Importer, Boston, Mass.
PARKER, WILLIAM Former Republican State Chairman, Sauk Centre, Minn.
PARRAN, DR. THOMAS Surgeon General of the U. S., Washington, D. C.
PARRISH, PHILIP Editor, The Oregonian, Portland, Ore.
PARSONS, GEOFFREY Editor, N. Y. Herald Tribune, New York City
PASCHALL, JOHN Editor, Atlanta Journal, Atlanta, Ga.
PATT, JOHN Gen. Mgr. WGAR, Cleveland, Ohio
PATTERSON, DR. FREDERICK B. Pres, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala.
PATTERSON, PAUL Publisher, Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, Md.
PATTERSON, JUDGE ROBERT Secretary of War, Washington, D. C.
PATTERSON, W. A. President, United Airlines, Chicago, 111.
PAULL, HENRY Attorney, Duluth, Minn.
PEARSON, DREW Columnist and Radio Commentator, Washington, D. C.
PEARCE, BERNARD L. Secretary, Public Utility Districts, Seattle, Wash.
PECK, SAM J. Hotel Proprietor, Little Rock, Ark.
PEPPER, CLAUDE Senator from Florida, Washington, D. C.
PEPPER, GEORGE Exec. Sec’y, Hollywood Independent Citizens Committee of Arts, Sciences & Professions, Hollywood, Calif.
PEPPER, GEORGE WHARTON Attorney. Former Senator, Philadelphia, Pa.
PERRY, GLEN E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Co., Wilmington, Del.
PERRY, GEORGE SESSIONS Newspaperman and Author, Madison, Conn.
PERRY, JENNINGS Author. Assoc. Editor, Nashville Tennessean, Nashville, Tenn.
PETERS, EVAN J. Walter Thompson Co., Seattle, Wash.
PETERSEN, MARK E. Member of Council of 12, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
PETTIBONE, WALTER Bookseller, Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney, St. Louis, Mo.
PHILIPP, CYRUS L. Republican National Committeeman, Milwaukee, Wis.
PIEL, DR. GERALD Special Asst, to Henry Kaiser, Kaiser Industries, New York City.
PINCKNEY, JOSEPHINE Novelist, Charleston, S. C.
POMEROY, DR. VIVIAN Minister First Parish, Milton, Mass.
POOLEY, EDWARD M. Editor, Herald-Post, El Paso, Tex.
POPE, JAMES P. Former Senator from Idaho, Director TVA, Knoxville, Tenn.
POTTER, GEORGE W. Chief Editorial Writer, Journal-Bulletin, Providence,’ R. I.
POYNTER, MR. & MRS. NELSON P. St. Petersburg Times, St. Petersburg, Fla.
PRICE, LUCIEN Newspaperman. Writer, Boston, Mass.
PRICHARD, EDWARD F. Attorney. Politician, Paris, Kyt
PROCTOR, MORTIMER R. Former Governor of Vermont, Montpelier, Vt.
PULITZER, JOSEPH Editor & Publisher, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. Louis, Mo.
PURIN GTON, FRANCIS Newspaperman. Exec. Sec’y to Governor, Portland, Me.
PUSEY, MERLO J. Writer, Washington Post, Washington, D. C.
PYLE, HAROLD Houston Chronicle, Houston, Tex.
RABBIT, THOMAS R. State Senator. Editor, New World, Seattle, Wash,
RAND, FRANK Sante Fe New Mexican, Santa Fe, N. M.
RAVER, PAUL J. Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Ore.
RAYBURN, SAM Congressman from Texas. Minority Leader, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C.
READY, MICHAEL J. Rev. Bishop of Columbus, Columbus, Ohio
REDDING, WILLIAM Literary Editor, Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo.
REESE, BENJAMIN H. Managing Editor, Post-Dispatch, St. Louis, Mo.
REID, JAMES M. News Editor, Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh, Pa.
REID, DR. ORA DE A. Professor, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga.
REMARQUE, ERICH MARIA Novelist, New York City
RESNICK, BEATRICE Sec’y to ex-Mayor La, Guardia, New York City
REUTHER, VICTOR United Automobile Workers, CIO, Detroit, Mich.
REUTHER, WALTER p. President, United Auto Workers CIO, Detroit, Mich,
REYNOLDS, QUENTIN Writer & War Correspondent, New York City
RICH, DICK Vice Pres. Rich’s, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.
RICH, JOHN F. American Friends Service Committee, Philadelphia, Pa.
RICHTER, KARL Rabbi, Mount Zion Congregation, Sioux Falls, S. D.
RIDLEY, CLARENCE E. Director, International City Managers Association, Chicago, 111.
ROACH, T. E. Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Northwestern Electric Co., Portland, Ore.
ROBBINS, STANTON Former Director, International House, New Orleans, La.
ROBERTS, GEORGE B. Regional Dir. Political Action Committee, CIO, Los Angeles, Calif.
ROBERTS, KENNETH Novelist, Kennebunkport, Me.
ROBERTS, PAUL Dean, St. John’s Cathedral, Denver, Colo.
ROBERTSON, HARRISON M. Gen. Counsel, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., Louisville, Ky.
ROCKEFELLER, NELSON A. Former Co-ordinator Inter-American Affairs & Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
RODRIGUEZ, ERNEST State Police, Santa Fe, N. M.
ROESSER, CHARLES Oilman, Fort Worth, Tex.
ROMANOFF, PRINCE MIKE Restaurateur, Beverly Hills, Calif.
ROOSEVELT, FRANKLIN D. Late President of the United States, Washington, D. C.
ROPER, ELMO Director, Fortune Survey, New York City
ROSE, ROBERT H. Supervisor, National Park Service, Boulder City, Nev.
ROSENGREN, MR. & MRS. FRANK Booksellers, San Antonio, Tex.
ROTHSCHILD, JEROME Attorney, Philadelphia, Pa.
ROWE, JOHN J. Bank President, Cincinnati, Ohio
RUBEN, ARTHUR Safety Inspector, Utah Copper Co., Bingham, Utah
RUBIN, MORRIS H. Editor, The Progressive, Madison, Wis.
RUSSELL, HOLLIS Bookseller, Oklahoma City, Okla.
RUSSELL, J. S. Acting Managing Editor, Register Sr Tribune, Des Moines, Iowa
RUTCHICK, ROGER Sec’y to ex-Gov. Benson. Former Ass’t State’s Atty., Minneapolis, Minn,
RUTTENBERG, HAROLD J. Research Director, United Steel Workers of America, Pittsburgh, Pa.
RYAN, JOHN j. Transport Workers Union, CIO, Columbus, Ohio
RYAN, THOMAS H. Attorney, Denver, Colo.
SACHS, ALEXANDER Economist, New York City
ST. JOHN, ROBERT War Correspondent, Radio Commentator, New York City
SALMON, EDWIN A. Chairman, City Planning Commission, New York City
SALSITCH, LEROY President, Oliver Iron Mining Co., Duluth, Minn.
SALTONSTALL, LEVERETT Senator from Massachusetts, Washington, D. C.
SAMMONS, E. c. President, U. S. National Bank, Portland, Ore.
SAMMONS, MARJORIE Co-editor, Copper Commando, Butte, Mont.
SARNOFF, DAVID President, Radio Corp. of America, New York City
SAXON, LYLE, the late Writer, New Orleans, La.
SAYLOR, HARRY T. Editor, Philadelphia Record, Philadelphia, Pa.
SAYRE, HARRISON M. President, American Educational Press. Chairman, Ohio Commission for Democracy, Columbus, Ohio
SCHALTER, HARRY W. President, Kaufman Straus Co. President, Committee for Kentucky, Louisville, Ky.
SCHECHTER, A. A. Vice President, Mutual Broadcasting System, N.Y.C.
SCHLEMMER, F. C. Project Manager, Fontana Dam, TVA, Fontana, N. C.
SCHOENINGER, MR. & MRS. JOSEPH Carmel-by-the-Sea, Calif.
SCHOEPPEL, ANDREW F. Governor of Kansas, Topeka, Kan.
SCHUYLER, GEORGE S. Author. Columnist. Manager, Seaboard Edition, Pittsburgh Courier, New York City
SCOTT, EDGAR Montgomery, Scott & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
SEARLES, R. D. Transcontinental & Western Airlines, Phoenix, Ariz.
SELTZER, LOUIS B. Editor, Cleveland Press, Cleveland, Ohio
SELZNICK, DAVID O. Motion Picture Producer, Hollywood, Calif.
SEWELL, SUMNER Ex-Gov. of Maine. Ex-President, American Export Airlines. Director Military Government, Baden, Germany, Augusta, Me.
SEYMOUR, CHARLES President, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
SEYMOUR, FORREST W. Asso. Editor, Register & Tribune, Des Moines, Iowa
SHAW, SETH Prof, of Horticulture, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
SHEARER, LT. DON State Highway Patrol, Omaha, Neb.
SHERMAN, HARRY S. Gen. Superintendent, Chisholm District, Oliver Iron Mining Co., Hibbing, Minn.
SHERMAN, M. S. Editor & Publisher, Hartford Courant, Hartford, Conn.
SHOUSE, JAMES D. Vice Pres. The Crosley Corp. Gen. Manager, Station WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio
SIDLO, THOMAS Chairman, United China Relief, Cleveland, Ohio
SIMMONS, ROBERT G. Chief Justice Supreme Court, Lincoln, Neb.
SIMMS, WILLIAM C. Asst, to Mayor Humphrey, Minneapolis, Minn.
SIMS, CECIL Attorney, Bass, Berry & Sims, Nashville, Tenn.
SIMS, MARIAN Novelist, Atlanta, Ga.
SMITH, DR. BLAKE Pastor, University Baptist Church, Austin, Tex.
SMITH, CHARLES L. Chairman, Utah War Finance Committee, Salt Lake City, Utah SMITH, MAJ. GEN C. R. ex-Deputy Commander, Air Transport Command, Army Air Forces, Washington, D. C.
SMITH, FRANKLIN G. President, Osborn Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio
SMITH, GEORGE ALBERT President, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
SMITH, PROF, HENRY NASH University of Texas, Austin, Tex.
SMITH, JOHN LEE Lieut.-Gov. of Texas, Austin, Tex.
SMITH, PAUL C. Editor and Gen. Manager, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, Calif.
SMITH, REX American Air Lines, New York City SMITH, VAN ZANDT Attorney, Fort Worth, Tex.
SMITH, JUDGE WILLIAM A. Supreme Court, State of Kansas, Topeka, Kan.
SMOOT, I. A. Postmaster, Salt Lake City, Utah SNELLING, PAULA Editor, South Today, Clayton. Ga.
SPANG, JOSEPH President, Gillette Safety Razor Co., Boston, Mass.
SPARKS, CHAUNCEY M. Ex-Governor of Alabama, Montgomery, Ala.
STAPLETON, BENJAMIN F. Mayor, Denver, Colo.
STASSEN, HAROLD Former Governor of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn.
STEARNS, ROBERT L. Pres. Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.
STEBBINS, DR. ERNEST L. Former Commissioner of Health, New York City
STEEL, JOHANNES Radio Commentator, New York City
STEINBECK, JOHN Novelist, New York City
STEPHENS, ROBERT W. Vice President, Guaranty Trust Co., New York City
STERN, WILLIAM Republican Nat. Committeeman. Banker & Director, Northwest Airlines, Fargo, N. D.
STETTINIUS, EDW. R. JR. Former Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
STEUDEL, ARTHUR President, Sherwin Williams Co., Cleveland, Ohio
STEVENS, JAMES Lumberman. Author, Seattle, Wash.
STEVENSON, ALEXANDER President Foreign Affairs Committee of Nashville, Nashville, Tenn.
STEVENSON, COKE R. Ex-Governor of Texas, Austin, Tex.
STILWELL, GEN. JOSEPH, the late Commanding Officer, Army Ground Forces, Washington, D. C.
STIX, ERNEST w. Rice-Stix Co., St. Louis, Mo.
STOLTZ, MILDRED K. State Director of Education, Montana Farmers Union, Great Falls, Mont.
STONE, B. B. Attorney, Fort Worth, Tex.
STONG, BENTON J. Editor, National Union Farmer, Denver, Colo.
STOWE, LELAND Writer & War Correspondent, New York City
STRADLING, JAMES G. JR. John C. Winston Co., Atlanta, Ga.
STRODE, J. WILLIAM Secretary to the Governor, Phoenix, Ariz.
STRONG, HENRY B. Exec. Sec’y to the Governor, Hartford, Conn,
STURDEVANT, W. L. Director of Information, TVA, Knoxville, Tenn.
SULLENS, FREDERICK Editor, Jackson Daily News, Jackson, Miss.
SULZBERGER, CYRUS Foreign Corresp. N. Y. Times, New York City
SURLES, MAJ. GEN. ALEXANDER D. Director of Public Relations, War Department, Washington, D. C.
SWEETSER, ARTHUR Former Deputy Director, OWI, Washington, D. C.
SWOPE, HERBERT BAYARD. Publicist. Former Editor, World, New York City
TAFT, HULBERT Editor, Cincinnati Times-Star, Cincinnati, Ohio
TALBOT, GLENN President, N. D. Farmers Union, Jamestown, N. D.
TARVER, JACK Columnist, Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga.
TAYLOR, GLEN H. Senator from Idaho, Washington, D. C.
TAYLOR, ROBERT R. Chairman, Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago, Ill.
THACKREY, MR. & MRS. T. O. Publishers, New York Post, New York City
THOMAS, ELBERT D. Senator from Utah, Washington, D. C.
THOMAS, R. j. Ex-President, United Automobile Workers, Detroit, Mich.
THOMPSON, c. H. Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo.
THOMPSON, GEORGE Banker, Fort Worth, Tex.
THOMPSON, M. E. Secretary to Former Gov. Arnall and Lt. Governor, Atlanta, Ga.
THOMPSON, VIRGIL Composer, Music Critic. New York City
THYE, EDWARD J. Senator from Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn.
TINGLEY, CLYDE Mayor, Albuquerque, N. M.
TOBIN, MAURICE J. Former Mayor of Boston & Governor of Mass., Boston, Mass.
TOOMBES, GUY Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
TRAPARISH, GABRIEL Restaurateur, Meaderville, Mont.
TRAUERMAN, CARL J. Mining Engineer, Butte, Mont.
TRUMAN, HARRY s. President of the United States, Washington, D. C.
TUCKER, HOMER S. Division Manager, Safeway Stores, Salt Lake City, Utah
TUCKER, MRS. NION San Francisco, Calif.
TUCKER, RAYMOND R. Prof, of Chemical Engineering, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo.
TURNER, HENRY c. Chairman, State Commission on Anti-Discrimination, Albany, N. Y.
TURNER, LILLIAN Journalist, Phoenix, Ariz.
TUTTLE, DONALD D. New Hampshire State Planning & Development Comm., Concord, N. H.
UREY, PROF, HAROLD c. Chemist. Professor, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.
VANDENBERG, ARTHUR H. Senator from Michigan, Washington, D. C.
VANDENBERG, WILLIS G. Triple Ink Publications, Sheldon, Iowa
VANDERCOOK, JOHN W. Radio Commentator, New York City
VILLARD, OSWALD GARRISON Publicist. Former Editor, Nation, New York City
VINSON, FRED M. Chief Justice, Supreme Court. Washington, D. C.
VIVIAN, JOHN c. Ex-Governor of Colorado, Denver, Colo.
VOGEL, FRANK A. Non-Partisan League. Fortner Mgr, Bank of N. D., Bismarck, N. Dak.
von MEYSENBUG, HEDA New Orleans, La.
VOORHIS, JERRY Former Congressman from Calif., Washington, D. C.
WADE, CHARLES Biologist. Supt. of Fishways, Bonneville Dam, Ore.
WADSWORTH, JAMES W. Congressman from New York, Washington, D. C.
WAGNER, ROBERT F. Senator from New York, Washington, D. C.
WAUDECK, COUNTESS Writer, New York City
WALL, SGT. JOHN L. Bonneville Dam, Ore.
WALL, JUDGE Lucius U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Sioux Falls, S. D.
WALLACE, HENRY A. Former Secretary of Commerce, Former Vice President of the United States. Editor, New Republic, New York City
WALLACE, TOM Editor, Louisville Times, Louisville, Ky.
WALLACE, WILLIAM R. Attorney. Former Member, Dem. Natl. Committee, Salt Lake City, Utah
WALNE, WALTER Attorney at law, Houston, Tex.
WALSH, H. A. President, Rotary Club, El Paso, Tex.
WALSH, PATRICK Late Fire Commissioner, New York City
WALTHALL, DR, J. H.. Asst. Chief Research & Development, TVA, Wilson Dam, Ala.
WANGER, WALTER Motion Picture Producer, Hollywood, Calif.
WARDEN, o. s. Publisher, Great Falls Tribune, Great Falls, Mont.
WARING, THOMAS R. Managing Editor, News & Courier, Charleston, S. C.
WARNER, JACK Motion Picture Producer, Hollywood, Calif.
WARREN, ROBERT E. State Publicity Director, Denver, Colo.
WATSON, KENT Miami Daily News, Miami, Fla.
WATTS, RICHARD JR. Author. Dramatic Critic, New York City
WAYLAND, ROY Valley National Bank, Phoenix, Ariz,
WAYNE, FRANCES Writer, Denver Post, Denver, Colo.
WEAVER, DON E. Ed. & Pub. Fort Worth Press, Fort Worth, Tex.
WEBSTER, R. L. Asst. Dir. of Information, Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
WEEKS, EDWARD JR. Editor, Atlantic Monthly, Boston, Mass.
WEIL, LEONARD D. Hackensack, N. J.
WEIL, TRUDA T. Educational Aide to ex-Mayor La Guardia, New York City
WEISS, SEYMOUR Hotel Roosevelt, New Orleans, La.
WELCH, EARL Supreme Court Justice, Oklahoma City, Okla.
WELLES, ORSON Actor, Beverly Hills, Calif.
WELLES, SUMNER Former Under Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
WELLS, BETTY Commentator, Station KRNT, Des Moines, Iowa
WELLS, WILLIAM I. Superintendent, Gold Mine, Helena, Mont.
WELTZIN, J. F. Dean, School of Education, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
WESLEY, CARTER Publisher, Houston Informer, Houston, Tex.
WEST, OLIVER Exec. Vice Pres., Boeing Aircraft Co., Seattle, Wash.
WESTLEY, MARGARET Foreign Economic Administration, Washington, D. C.
WHEELER, AL State Highway Patrol, Cheyenne, Wyo.
WHEELER, BURTON K. Ex-Senator from Montana, Washington, D. C.
WHERRY, KENNETH s. Senator from Nebraska, Washington, D. C.
WHITTENBURG, s. B. Editor, Amarillo Times, Amarillo, Tex.
WIGGINS, D. M. President, Texas College of Mines & Metallurgy, El Paso, Tex.
WIGGINS, J. RUSSELL Former Editor, St. Paul Pioneer Press. Asst. to Publisher, N. Y. Times, New York City
WILKINS, JOSEPHINE Citizens’ Fact-Finding Committee, Atlanta, Ga.
WILLIAMS, ALBERT Attorney, Historian, Nashville, Tenn.
WILLIAMS, ALFRED JR. Pres. A. Williams & Co., Booksellers, Raleigh, N. C.
WILLIAMS, PHILLIP H. Boston Club, New Orleans, La.
WILLIAMS, SID Dir. Young Peoples’ Division, Democratic National Committee, Atlanta, Ga. WILLS, WILLIAM H. Late Gov. of Vermont, Montpelier, Vt.
WILSON, ELEANOR Newspaperwoman, Fort Worth, Tex.
WILSON, M. L. Former Under-Sec’y of Agriculture. Dir. of Extension Services, Dept, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
WILSON, WILLIAM Commissioner of Housing & Buildings, New York City
WINCIIELL, WALTER Columnist and Radio Commentator, New York City
WINN, FRANK United Automobile Workers (CIO), Detroit, Mich.
WINSHIP, LAURENCE i.. Managing Editor, Boston Globe, Boston, Mass.
WISHART, ROBERT Pres. Hennepin County Council of CIO, Minneapolis, Minn.
WITMAN, SHEPHERD Council on World Affairs, Cleveland, Ohio
WOODS, MARK Pres. American Broadcasting Co., New York City
WORTHAM, GUS. Pres. American General Insurance Co., Houston, Tex.
WYATT, WILSON w. Former U. S. Housing Expediter. Louisville, Ky.
WYLER, KARL o. Gen. Manager, Station KTSM, El Paso, Tex.
YOUNG, CHARLES H. Acting Director, Dept, of Chemical Engineering, TVA, Wilson Dam, Ala.
ZANUCK, DARRYL F. 20th Century-Fox Film Corp., Santa Monica, Calif.
To which, finally, let me add assorted anonymous sharecroppers, railway conductors, waiters in hamburger stands, airplane pilots and stewardesses, newspaper reporters, school children white and Negro, taxi drivers, tenant farmers, traffic cops, soil experts, aircraft engineers, housewives, department store clerks, shipyard workers, shoeshine boys, and directors of publicity.
* I have always wanted to print a similar list in the other Inside books, but I did not do so for fear of getting people into trouble. But the United State is at the moment at least, still a democracy and I daresay I can mention any and all names without risk to anyone.