Modern history

Napoleon Against Russia: A Concise History of 1812

Napoleon Against Russia: A Concise History of 1812

In June 1812 500,000 men of Napoleon's army invaded Russia. Six months later barely 20,000 returned. The disastrous advance to Moscow and the subsequent retreat irreparably damaged Napoleon's military power and prestige and resulted one of the most celebrated catastrophes of in all military history. Digby Smith's new account of the grim events of 1812 is based on the diaries and letters of soldiers who survived, many of which have not been published in English before. They describe the deadly effect of Napoleon's faulty decisions on the lives of his men, to say nothing of the innumerable Russian military and civilian casualties his campaign caused.



Chapter 1: The invasion of Russia is decided upon

Chapter 2: The preparations

Chapter 3: Wilna – Tinseltown

Chapter 4: After Tinseltown – reality

Chapter 5: Latvia – a world away

Chapter 6: The southern sector

Chapter 7: The centre – Witebsk

Chapter 8: The northern flank – Polotzk

Chapter 9: The southern sector – Podubna/Gorodeczna

Chapter 10: The central sector – the battle of Smolensk

Chapter 11: The central sector – from Smolensk to Borodino

Chapter 12: The central sector — on to Moscow

Chapter 13: The southern sector — the final phase

Chapter 14: Summer and autumn in Latvia

Chapter 15: Moscow — waiting for Godot

Chapter 16: The northern flank, Polotzk — the finale

Chapter 17: The central sector in October and November

Chapter 18: Winter in Latvia – the last phase

Chapter 19: The central sector – build-up to the Beresina crossing

Chapter 20: Wilna - Tinseltown revisited

Chapter 21: Back to the beginning


Appendix - The diminishing strength of the Grande Armée in 1812 - Bibliography

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