Post-classical history


Abbott, Edwin A., St. Thomas of Canterbury

Appleby, John T., Henry II, The Vanquished King

Appleby, John T., John, King of England

Ashley, Maurice, The Life and Times of King John

Aubrey, William Hickman Smith, The National and Domestic History of England

d’Auvergne, Edmund B., John, King of England

Aytoun, William E., The Life and Times of Richard the First

Barber, Richard, The Devil’s Crown

Bi, Madeleine, The Chteaux of the Loire

Bryant, Arthur, The Medieval Foundation

Bryant, Arthur, The Story of England, Makers of the Realm

Castries, Duc de, The Lives of the Kings and Queens of France

Costain, Thomas B., The Pageant of England, 1135–1216; The Conquering Family

Dark, Sydney, St. Thomas of Canterbury

Davis, H. W. C., England under the Normans and the Angevins

Duggan, Alfred, Thomas Becket of Canterbury

FitzStephen, William, his clerk (translated by George Greenaway with contemporary sources), The Life and Death of Thomas Becket

Funck-Brentana, Fr. (translated by Elizabeth O’Neill), National History of France, the Middle Ages

Green, J. R., Henry II

Green, Mary Anne Everett, Lives of the Princesses of England

Guizot, M. (translated by Robert Black), History of France

Hampden, John, editor, Crusader King, the Adventures of Richard The Lionheart on Crusade, Taken from a Chronicle of the Times

Hill, Lieut-Colonel W., Our Fighting King

Holbach, Maude M., In the Footsteps of Richard Coeur de Lion

Hutton, the Rev. William Holden (arranged by), Thomas of Canterbury. An Account of His Life and Fame from Contemporary Biographers and Other Chronicles

James, G. P. R., History of the Life of Richard Coeur de Lion, King of England

Johnston, R. C., The Crusade and Death of Richard I

Kelly, Amy, Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings

Lloyd, Alan, King John

Meade, Marion, Eleanor of Aquitaine

Norgate, Kate, England under the Angevin Kings; John Lackland

Pernoud, Rgine (translated by Peter Wiles), Eleanor of Aquitaine; (translated by Henry Noel), Blanche of Castile

Pine, L. G., Heirs of the Conqueror

Pittinger, W. Norman, Richard the Lionhearted, The Crusader King

Poole, A. L., From Domesday Book to Magna Carta

Robertson, James Craigie, Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury

Rosenberg, Melrich V., Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of the Troubadours and the Courts of Love

Salzmann, L. F., Henry II

Seward, Desmond, Eleanor of Aquitaine, the Mother Queen

Stephens, Sir Leslie and Lee, Sir Sidney (editors), The Dictionary of National Biography

Strickland, Agnes, The Lives of the Queens of England

Thompson, Robert Anchor, Thomas Becket

Wade, John, British History

Warren, W. L., King John

Wilkinson, Clennell, Coeur de Lion

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