Map 1. Central and Southeastern Europe, c. 1450
Source: Craig Remington, Amber Chan, Alex Fries, and the Cartographic Research Laboratory of the University of Alabama.
Map 2. The City and Fortress of Belgrade, c. 1450
Source: Craig Remington, Amber Chan, Alex Fries, and the Cartographic Research Laboratory of the University of Alabama. After Marko Popovic, Beogradska Tvrdjava (Belgrade, 2006), 120 and 145.
Map 3. The Siege and Relief of Belgrade, 1456
Source: Craig Remington, Amber Chan, Alex Fries, and the Cartographic Research Laboratory of the University of Alabama. After Leopold Kupelwieser, Die Kämpfe Ungarns mit den Osmanen bis zur Schlacht bei Mohács, 1526 (Vienna, 1899), 131, and Johannes Hofer, Johannes Kapistran: Ein Leben in Kampf um die Reform der Kirche, 2nd ed. (Heidelberg: F.H. Kerle, 1964–5), 379.