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Wright, Patrick. Tank: The Progress of a Monstrous War Machine. New York: Viking, 2002.

Zuckerman, Larry. The Rape of Belgium: The Untold Story of World War I. New York: New York University Press, 2004.


Kaminski, Diane Clements. The Radicalization of a Ministering Angel: A Biography of Emily Hobhouse, 1860–1926. University of Connecticut, Ph.D., 1977.

Mayhall, Laura E. Nym. "Dare to Be Free": The Women's Freedom League, 1907–1928. Stanford University, Ph.D., 1993.

Williams, Carl R. The Control of Civilian Populations in War: The Policing of Political Beliefs in Great Britain, 1914–1918. London School of Economics, M.Sc., 1999.


National Archives, Kew

Charlotte Despard Papers, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Belfast

Charlotte Despard Papers, Women's Library, London

John French Papers, Imperial War Museum, London

David Lloyd George Papers, Parliamentary Archives, London

Alfred Milner Papers, Bodleian Library, Oxford

E. Sylvia Pankhurst Papers, Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Amsterdam (microfilm copies in many libraries)

Albert Edward Rochester Papers, in private hands

—transcript of Rochester's court-martial, 12 January 1917

— Rochester's unpublished letter to the Daily Mail, 31 December 1916

— "Albert Edward Rochester, 1884–1926," unpublished mss. by Tom Hickey and Brian Maddocks

— "Debts of Honour," unpublished mss. by Tom Hickey and Brian Maddocks Imperial War Museum Sound Archive interviews

— Fenner Brockway 000476/04

— Wilfrid Ernest Littleboy 000485/06

— Howard Cruttenden Marten 000383/06

— Harold Frederick Bing 000358/11

Comintern personnel files, Moscow

—William Wheeldon file: 495/198/537

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