1. NCA, IV, p. 559 (N.D. 1919–PS).
2. Ibid., III, pp. 618–19 (N.D. 862–PS), report of Gen. Gotthard Heinrici, Deputy General of the Wehrmacht in the Protectorate.
3. Bormann’s memorandum. Quoted in TMWC, VII, pp. 224–26 (N.D. USSR 172).
4. NCA, III, pp. 798–99 (N.D. 1130–PS).
5. Ibid., VIII, p. 53 (N.D. R–36).
6. Dr. Bräutigam’s memorandum of Oct. 25, 1942. Text in NCA, III., pp. 242–51; German original in TMWC, XXV, pp. 331–42 (N.D. 294—PS).
7. NCA, VII, pp. 1086–93 (N.D. L–221).
8. TMWC, IX, p. 633.
9. Ibid.,
10. TMWC, VIII, p. 9.
11. NCA, VII, pp. 420–21 (N.D.s EC–344–16 and −17).
12. Ibid., p. 469 (N.D. EC–411).
13. Ibid., VIII, pp. 66–67 (N.D. R–92).
14. Ibid., III, p. 850 (N.D. 1233–PS).
15. Ibid., p. 186 (N.D. 138–PS).
16. Ibid., pp. 188–89 (N.D. 141–PS).
17. Ibid., V, pp. 258–62 (N.D. 2523–PS).
18. Ibid., III, pp. 666–70 (N.D. 1015–B–PS).
19. Ibid., I, p. 1105 (N.D. 090–PS).
20. NCA, VI, p. 456 (N.D. 1720–PS).
21. Ibid., VIII, p. 186 (N.D. R–124).
22. Ibid., III, pp. 71–73 (N.D. 031–PS).
23. Ibid., IV, p. 80 (N.D. 1526–PS).
24. Ibid., III, p. 57 (N.D. 016–PS).
25. Ibid., III, p. 144 (N.D. 084–PS).
26. Ibid., VII, pp. 2–7 (N.D. D–288).
27. Ibid., V, pp. 744–54 (N.D. 3040–PS).
28. Ibid., VII, pp. 260–64 (N.D. EC–68).
29. Ibid., V, p. 765 (N.D. 3044–B–PS).
30. Eider’s Secret Conversations, p. 501.
31. Based on an exhaustive study from the German records made by Alexander Dallin, German Rule in Russia, pp. 426–27. He used figures compiled by OKW-AWA in Nachweisungen des Verbleibs der sowjetischen Kr. Gef. nach den Stand vom 1.5.1944. AWA are the initials for the General Armed Forces Department of OKW (Allgemeines Wehrmachtsamt).
32. NCA, III, pp. 126–30 (N.D. 081–PS).
33. Ibid., V, p. 343 (N.D. 2622–PS).
34. Ibid., III, p. 823 (N.D. 1165–PS).
35. Ibid., IV, p. 558 (N.D. 1919–PS).
36. TMWC, XXXIX, pp. 48–49.
37. Ibid., VI, pp. 185–86.
38. NCA, III, pp. 416–17 (N.D. 498–PS).
39. Ibid., pp. 426–30 (N.D. 503–PS).
40. NCA, VII, pp. 798–99 (N.D. L–51).
41. TMWC, VII, p. 47.
42. NCA, VII, pp. 873–74 (N.D. L–90).
43. Ibid., pp. 871–72 (N.D. L–90).
44. Harris, Tyranny on Trial, pp. 349–50.
45. Ohlendorf’s testimony on the stand at Nuremberg, TMWC, IV, pp. 311–23; his affidavit, based on Harris’ interrogation, NCA, V, pp. 341–12 (N.D. 2620–PS). Dr. Becker’s letter, ibid., III, pp. 418–19 (N.D.501–PS).
46. NCA, VIII, p. 103 (N.D. R–102).
47. Ibid., V, pp. 696–99 (N.D. 2992–PS).
48. Ibid., IV, pp. 944–49 (N.D. 2273–PS).
49. Case IX of the Trials of War Criminals [TWC] (N.D. NO–511). This was the so-called “Einsatzgruppen Case,” entitled “United States v. Otto Ohlendorf, et al.”
50. Ibid. (N.D.NO–2653).
51. Cited by Reitlinger in The Final Solution, pp. 499–500. Reitlinger’s studies in this book and in his The S.S. are the most exhaustive on the subject that I have seen.
52. NCA, III, pp. 525–26 (N.D. 710–PS). The English translation here of the last line misses the whole point. The German word Endloesung (“final solution”) is rendered as “desirable solution.” See the German transcript.
53. TMWC, XI, p. 141.
54. TWC, XIII, pp. 210–19 (N.D. NG–2586–G).
55. NCA, IV, p. 563 (N.D. 1919–PS).
56. Ibid., VI, p. 791 (N.D. 3870–PS).
57. Ibid., IV, pp. 812, 832–35 (N.D. 2171–PS).
58. Hoess affidavit, NCA, VI, pp. 787–90 (N.D. 3868–PS).
59. N.D. USSR-8, p. 197. Transcript.
60. TMWC, VII, p. 584.
61. Ibid.,
62. Ibid., p. 585 (N.D. USSR 225). Transcript.
63. Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals, I, p. 28. London, 1946. This is a summary of the twelve secondary Nuremberg trials, covered in the TWC volumes.
64. The above section on Auschwitz is based on, aside from the sources quoted, the testimony at Nuremberg of Mme. Vaillant-Couturier, a Frenchwoman who was confined there, TMWC, VI, pp. 203–40; Case IV, the so-called “Concentration Camp Case,” entitled “United States v. Pohl, et al.,” in the TWC volumes; The Belsen Trial, London, 1949; G. M. Gilbert, Nuremberg Diary, op. cit.; Filip Friedman, This Was Oswiecim [Auschwitz]; and the brilliant survey of Reitlinger in The Final Solution and The SS.
65. NCA, VIII, p. 208 (N.D. R-135).
66. NCA, Suppl. A, pp. 675–82 (N.D.s 3945–PS, 3948–PS, 3951–PS).
67. Ibid., p. 682 (N.D. 3951–PS).
68. Ibid., pp. 805–7 (N.D. 4045–PS).
69. The text, ibid., III, pp. 719–75 (N.D. 1061–PS).
70. TMWC, IV, p. 371.
71. Reitlinger, The Final Solution, pp. 489–501. The author analyzes the Jewish exterminations country by country.
72. TMWC, XX, p. 548.
73. Ibid., p. 519.
74. Examination of Josef Kramer, Case I of the Trials of the War Criminals—the so-called “Doctors’ Trial,” entitled “United States v. Brandt, et al.”
75. Sievers’ testimony, TMWC, XX, pp. 521–25.
76. Ibid., p. 526.
77. The testimony of Henry Herypierre is in the transcript of the “Doctors’ Trial.”
78. NCA, VI, pp. 122–23 (N.D. 3249–PS).
79. Ibid., V, p. 952 (N.D. 3249–PS).
80. Ibid., IV, p. 132 (N.D. 1602–PS).
81. Report of Dr. Rascher to Himmler, April 5, 1942, in the transcript of the “Doctors’ Trial,” Case I, “United States v. Brandt, et al.” Dr. Karl Brandt was Hitler’s personal physician and Reich Commissioner for Health. He was found guilty at the trial, sentenced to death and hanged.
82. NCA, Suppl. A, pp. 416–17 (N.D. 2428–PS).
83. Letter of Prof. Dr. Hippke to Himmler, Oct. 10, 1942, in transcript, Case I.
84. NCA, IV, pp. 135–36 (N.D. 1618–PS).
85. Testimony of Walter Neff, transcript, Case I.
86. Letter of Dr. Rascher to Himmler, April 4, 1943, transcript, Case I.
87. Testimony of Walter Neff, ibid.
88. Himmler’s letter and Rascher’s protest, ibid.
89. 1616–PS, in transcript of Case I. The document is not printed in TMWC, and the English translation in NCA is too brief to be of any help.
90. Alexander Mitscherlich, M.D., and Fred Mielke, Doctors of Infamy, pp. 146–70. This is an excellent summary of the “Doctors’ Trial” by two Germans. Dr. Mitscherlich was head of the German Medical Commission at the trial.
91. Wiener Library Bulletin, 1951, V, pp. 1–2. Quoted by Reitlinger in The S.S., p. 216.