Consonants at the beginning of a word have the same sound as they do in English, except that C is always pronounced K.
Within words, consonants are pronounced as follows:
B = V
C = G or K
D = TH (as in that)
G = soft GH
M = V (in most cases)
S followed or preceded by an E or an I = SH
T = D.
Short vowels are pronounced as in English, while long vowels (which are marked by an accent when in the lower case, no accents in capital letters) are pronounced as follows:
A = awe
E = ay
I = ee
O = owe
U = ee
E at the end of a word is pronounced.
The pronunciation of vowel combinations is as follows:
AI = A in the first syllable; 0 elsewhere
IU = U
UI = I
EI = E.
Ath |
Awth |
Aedh |
AA (as in day) |
Badb |
Bibe |
Bodb |
Bove |
Conchubar |
Conachboor |
Cuailgne |
Cooley |
Cuchulain |
C’hoolin |
Dun |
Doon |
Emain |
Avvan |
Eoghan |
Owen |
Laeg |
Loygh |
Lugh |
Loo |
Mag Tured |
Moy Tura |
Medb |
Mave |
Midhe |
Mee |
Niamh |
Neev |
Og |
Og |
Sidhe |
Shee |
Suibne |
Suivnee |
Tain |
Toin |