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Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing

Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing

The history of Western thought contains hundreds of such statements by major philosophers testifying to the use of esoteric writing in their own work or others’. Despite this long and well-documented history, however, esotericism is often dismissed today as a rare occurrence. But by ignoring esotericism, we risk cutting ourselves off from a full understanding of Western philosophical thought.

Introduction: What Is Philosophical Esotericism?

PART ONE: The General Evidence and Argument for the Reality of Philosophical Esotericism

Chapter 1. The Testimonial Evidence for Esotericism

Chapter 2. Interlude: Two Brief Examples

Chapter 3. The Theoretical Basis of Philosophical Esotericism: The “Problem of Theory and Praxis”

Chapter 4. Objections, Resistance, and Blindness to Esotericism

PART TWO: The Four Forms of Philosophical Esotericism

Chapter 5. Fear of Persecution: Defensive Esotericism

Chapter 6. Dangerous Truths: Protective Esotericism

Chapter 7. The Educational Benefits of Obscurity: Pedagogical Esotericism

Chapter 8. Rationalizing the World: Political Esotericism

PART THREE: The Consequences of the Recovery of Esotericism

Chapter 9. A Beginner’s Guide to Esoteric Reading

Chapter 10. Defending Reason: Esotericism and the Critique of Historicism


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