FIG. 1—PORTRAIT AFTER NICOLAS DE LARGILLIÈRE: Voltaire as a Young Man. Château de Versailles PAGE 3
FIG. 2—MICHEL CORNEILLE: Philippe d’Orléans, Regent. Château de Versailles PAGE 6
FIG. 3—UNKNOWN ARTIST: The Rue Quincampoix in 1718. (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 12
FIG. 4—Regency Wall Paneling. Château de Versailles PAGE 24
FIG. 5—ALLAN RAMSAY: The Fourth Earl of Chesterfield. National Portrait Gallery, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 81
FIG. 6—PORTRAIT ATTRIBUTED TO JEAN MARC NATTIER: Prince Charles Edward Stuart (The Young Pretender). National Portrait Gallery, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 109
FIG. 7—ANTONIO CANALETTO: View of the Thames from Richmond House. The Good-wood Estate (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 60
FIG. 8—ALLAN RAMSAY: David Hume. Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PAGE 140
FIG. 9—W. HAMILTON: John Wesley. National Gallery, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 128
FIG. 10—JACOPO AMIGONI: Caroline of Ansbach. Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 94
FIG. 11—ANTOINE WATTEAU: The Embarkation for Cythera. Louvre, Paris (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 26
FIG. 12—CHALK PORTRAIT ATTRIBUTED TO WILLIAM HOARE: Alexander Pope. National Portrait Gallery, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 164
FIG. 13—PORTRAIT FROM THE STUDIO OF RICHARD BROMPTON: William Pitt the Elder. National Portrait Gallery, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 113
FIG. 14—JOSEPH HIGHMORE: Samuel Richardson. National Portrait Gallery, London PAGE 188
FIG. 15—SIR GODFREY KNELLER: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Reproduced by permission of the Marquess of Bute and the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh PAGE 205
FIG. 17—UNKNOWN ITALIAN ARTIST: Tobias Smollett. National Portrait Gallery, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 199
FIG. 18—WILLIAM HOGARTH: Scene from Marriage à la Mode. Tate Gallery, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 220
FIG. 19—WILLIAM HOGARTH: The Shrimp Girl National Gallery, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 218
FIG. 20—WILLIAM HOGARTH: self portrait. National Gallery, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 217
FIG. 21—WILLIAM HOGARTH: Engraving, The Sleeping Congregation. (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 217
FIG. 22—TBOMAS HUDSON; George Frederick Handel. Staatsbibliothek, Hamburg (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 226
FIG. 23—JACQUES ANDRÉ AVED: Jean Philippe Rameau. Musée Dijon (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 295
FIG. 24—The Tuileries Palace and Gardens. From an engraving in the Albertina Museum, Vienna (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 295
FIG. 25–HYACINTHE RIGAUD: Louis XV at the Age of Six. Château de Versailles (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 272
FIG. 26–MAURICE QUENTIN DE LA TOUR: Louis XV. Louvre, Paris (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 320
FIG. 27–HYACINTHE RIGAUD: Cardinal Fleury. Reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the Wallace Collection, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 269
FIG. 28–CARLE VANLOO: Marie Leszczyńska. Louvre, Paris (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 2
FIG. 29–FRANÇOIS BOUCHER: Madame de Pompadour. Reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the Wallace Collection, London PAGE 279
FIG. 30– MAURICE QUENTIN DE LA TOUR: Madame de Pompadour. Louvre, Paris (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 322
FIG. 31–JEAN MARC NATTIER: Madame de Châteauroux. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Marseilles PAGE 275
FIG. 32–Interior Decoration, Louis Quinze Style: Drawing Room in the Hôtel de Ludre, Paris. From French Art of the 18th Century, Ed. Stéphane Faniel (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957) PAGE 304
FIG. 33–Faïence Soup Tureen from Lunéville in Lorraine, Period of King Stanislas. Nicolier Collection (reproduced from French Art of the 18th Century, ed. Faniel) PAGE 305
FIG. 34–JACQUES CAFFIÉRI AND A. R. GAUDREAU: Commode. Reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the Wallace Collection, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 304
FIG. 35–Andirons, Period of Louis XV. Château de Versailles PAGE 306
FIG. 36–Mantel Clock, Period of Louis XV. Reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the Wallace Collection, London PAGE 306
FIG. 37–Tapestry, Period of Louis XV. Thiérard Collection (reproduced from French Art of the 18th Century, ed. Faniel) PAGE 305
FIG. 38– ROSLIN: François Boucher. Château de Versailles PAGE 313
FIG. 39– JEAN LAMOUR: Iron Gates of the Place Stanislas, Nancy. From Max Osborn, Die Kunst des Rokoko (Berlin: Propyläen-Verlag, 1926) PAGE 308
FIG. 40–FRANÇOIS BOUCHER: The Luncheon from Italian Scenes Tapestries. The Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, California PAGE 315
FIG. 41– GUILLAUME COUSTOU I: One of the Horses of Marly, Place de la Concorde, Paris. Photograph courtesy of Roger Viollet (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 308
FIG. 42–JEAN BAPTISTE CHARDIN: Le Bénédicité. Louvre, Paris (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 318
FIG. 43–JEAN BAPTISTE CHARDIN: The Artist’s Second Wife. Louvre, Paris (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 318
FIG. 44–JEAN BAPTISTE CHARDIN: Self-Portrait. Louvre, Paris (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 316
FIG. 45–FRANÇOIS BOUCHER: The Rape of Europa. Louvre, Paris (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 314
FIG. 46—UNKNOWN ARTIST OF THE FRENCH 18th-CENTURY SCHOOL: Voltaire. Château de Versailles PAGE 361
FIG. 47–ENGRAVING AFTER A PAINTING BY DEVERIA: Montesquieu. (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 340
FIG. 48–NICOLAS DE LARGILLIÈRE: Madame du Châtelet. Gallery of Fine Arts, Columbus, Ohio (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 365
FIG. 49—FRANÇOIS BOUCHER: Le Coucher du Soleil (Sunset). Reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the Wallace Collection, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 316
FIG. 50—MATTHÄUS DANIEL PÖPPELMANN: The Zwinger Palace, Dresden (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 399
FIG. 51–JOHANN MICHAEL FISCHER: The Abbey Church (Klosterkirche) of the Benedictine Monastery at Ottobeuren. (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 406
FIG. 52–BALTHASAR NEUMANN: Staircase of the Prince-Bishop’s Residenz, Würzburg. From Werner Weisbach, Die Kunst des Barock (Berlin: Propyläen-Verlag, 1924) PAGE 405
FIG. 53—JAKOB PRANDTAUER: The Cloister at Melk. (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 432
FIG. 54—LORENZO MATTIELLI: Neptune Fountain, Dresden (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 405
FIG. 55—BALTHASAR PERMOSER: St. Ambrose. Museum, Bautzen, Germany (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 405
FIG. 56—E. G. HAUSSMANN: Johann Sebastian Bach. Thomasschule, Leipzig (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 412
FIG. 57–ENGRAVING AFTER A PAINTING BY ANTOINE PESNE: Frederick the Great as a Child of Three, with His Sister Wilhelmine. Formerly in the Berlin Museum (Bettmann Archive) PAGES 404, 439
FIG. 58—ENGRAVING AFTER A PAINTING BY CARLE VANLOO: Frederick the Great. (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 439
FIG. 59—GEORG WENZESLAUS VON KNOBELSDORFF: Sanssouci Palace, Potsdam (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 406
FIG. 60—JOHANN LUKAS VON HILDEBRANDT: Upper Belvedere Palace, Vienna (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 433
FIG. 61–JOHANN BERNHARD FISCHER VON ERLACH AND OTHERS: Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna. Photograph courtesy of the Austrian State Tourist Office PAGE 433
FIG. 62–Maria Theresa Monument, Vienna. Photograph by O. V. W. Hubmann, courtesy of the Austrian State Tourist Office PAGE 431
FIG. 63–JOHANN BERNHARD FISCHER VON ERLACH AND HIS SON JOSEF EMANUEL: Karls-kirche (Church of St. Charles), Vienna (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 432
FIG. 64—GEORG RAPHAEL DONNER: Andromeda Fountain, Vienna (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 434
FIG. 65–JOHANN BERNHARD FISCHER VON ERLACH AND HIS SON JOSEF EMANUEL: Central Hall, National Library, Vienna (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 433
FIG. 66–DANIEL GRAN: Cupola Frescoes in the National Library, Vienna (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 434
FIG. 67–GEORG WENZESLAUS VON KNOBELSDORFF: The Golden Gallery in the Schloss Charlottenburg. From Max Osborn, Die Kunst des Rokoko (Berlin: Propyläen-Verlag, 1926) PAGE 404
FIG. 68—GEORG RAPHAEL DONNER: St. Martin and the Beggar, Pressburg (now Bratislava) Cathedral (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 434
FIG. 69—Voltaire’s Villa Les Délices, Geneva, now the Institut et Musée Voltaire (Photograph by Jean Arlaud) PAGE 472
FIG. 70—GEORG RAPHAEL DONNER: Marble relief, Hagar in the Wilderness, Barockmuseum, Vienna PAGE 434
FIG. 71—JACQUES ANDRÉ NAIGEON: Pierre Simon Laplace. From E. T. Bell, Men of Mathematics (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1937) PAGE 546
FIG. 72—JAMES SHARPLES: Joseph Priestley. National Portrait Gallery, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 526
FIG. 73—UNKNOWN ARTIST: Leonard Euler. From E. T. Bell, Men of Mathematics (Simon and Schuster, 1937) PAGE 509
FIG. 75—LEMUEL FRANCIS ABBOTT: William Herschel. National Portrait Gallery, London (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 541
FIG. 77—JACQUES LOUIS DAVID: Lavoisier and His Wife. Rockefeller Foundation, New York (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 531
FIG. 78—C. TROOST: Hermann Boerhaave. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 507
FIG. 79—ANGELICA KAUFFMANN: Giovanni Battista Morgagni. (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 586
FIG. 80—M. HOFFMAN: Carl Linnaeus in Lapp Dress. (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 561
FIG. 81—SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS: John Hunter. Royal College of Surgeons of England, London PAGE 587
FIG. 82—GIULIO MONTEVERDE: Edward Jenner Vaccinating a Child. Palazzo Bianco, Genoa (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 596
FIG. 83—UNKNOWN ARTIST: Julien Offroy de La Mettrie. From La Mettrie, Man A Machine (Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1912) PAGE 617
FIG. 84—EBERLEIN: Albrecht von Holler. (Bettmann Archive) PAGES 477, 588
FIG. 85—JEAN HONORÉ FRAGONARD: Denis Diderot. Louvre, Paris (Bettmann Archive) PAGE 623
FIG. 86—ENGRAVING AFTER A PAINTING BY LA TOUR: D’Alembert. (Bettmann Archive) PAGES 515, 635
FIG. 87—CARMONTELLE: Baron d’Holbach. Musée Condé, Chantilly (Photographie Giraudon, Paris) PAGE 695
FIG. 88—ENGRAVING AFTER MICHEL VANLOO: Claude Adrien Helvétius. National Library, Vienna PAGE 680
FIG. 89—CHARLES NICOLAS COCHIN II: Frontispiece of the “Encyclopédie.” Albertina Museum, Vienna PAGE 635
FIG. 90—JEAN ANTOINE HOUDON: Voltaire in Old Age. Château de Versailles (Bettmann Archive)