Military history

Great War on the Western Front: A Short History

Great War on the Western Front: A Short History

This book looks at the First Crusade as a military campaign and asks why it was successful. Modern writing about the crusade has tended to emphasize motivation and the

The war on Western Front from 1914 to 1918 remains one of the notoriously great tragedies of the twentieth century. Most people hold it in their minds as a milestone in modern history, yet many of them know less about this devastating clash of nations than they would like - and they would be interested to discover more.

Chapter 1. The Start of the War and of the Western Front

Chapter 2. Late 1914 and the Battles of 1915: Birth of a New Style of Warfare

Chapter 3. The Battle of Verdun, 1916

Chapter 4. The Battle of the Somme, 1916

Chapter 5. Spring 1917

Chapter 6. Passchendaele

Chapter 7. The Bitter Winter of 1917–18

Chapter 8. The Flashing Sword of the Counter-Offensive

Chapter 9. The American Contribution to Victory

Chapter 10. The Western Front as a Historiographical Phenomenon



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