1. NCA, III, pp. 272–75 (N.D. 351–PS).
2. Goebbels, Kaiserhof, p. 256.
3. See affidavit of Georg von Schnitzler, NCA, VII, p. 501 (N.D. EC-439); speeches of Goering and Hitler, NCA, VI, p. 1080 (N.D. D–203): Schacht’s interrogation, NCA, VI. p. 465 (N.D. 3725–PS); Funk’s interrogation, NCA, V, p. 495 (N.D. 2828–PS).
4. Goebbels, Kaiserhof, pp. 269–70.
5. Papen, op. cit.,
6. Rudolf Diels, Lucifer ante Portas, p. 194.
7. For sources on the responsibility for the Reichstag fire see: Halder’s affidavit, NCA, VI, p. 635 (N.D. 3740–PS); transcript of Gisevius’ cross-examination on April 25, 1946, Trial of the Major War Criminals [hereafter cited as TMWC], XII, pp. 252–53; Diehl’s affidavit, Goering’s denial,TMWC, IX, pp. 432–36, and NCA, VI, pp. 298–99 (N.D. 3593–PS); Willy Frischauer, The Rise and Fall of Hermann Goering, pp. 88–95; Douglas Reed, The Burning, of the Reichstag; John Gunther, Inside Europe (Gunther attended the trial at Leipzig). There are many alleged testaments and confessions by those claiming to have participated in the Nazi firing of the Reichstag or to have positive knowledge of it, but none, so far as I know, has ever been substantiated. Of these, memoranda by Ernst Oberfohren, a Nationalist deputy, and Karl Ernst, the Berlin S.A. leader, have been given some credence. Both men were slain by the Nazis within a few months of the fire.
8. NCA, III, pp. 968–70 (N.D. 1390–PS).
9. NCA, IV, p. 496 (N.D. 1856–PS).
10. NCA, V, p. 669 (N.D. 2962–PS).
11. Dokumente der deutschen Politik, I, 1935, pp. 20–24.
12. François-Poncet, op. cit., p. 61.
13. Text of law, NCA, IV, pp. 638–39 (N.D.2001–PS).
14. Laws of March 31 and April 7, 1933, and January 30, 1934, all in NCA, IV, pp. 640–43.
15. NCA, III, p. 962 (N.D. 1388–PS).
16. Goebbels, Kaiserhof, p. 307.
17. NCA, III, pp. 380–85 (N.D. 392–PS).
18. Law of May 19, 1933, NCA, III, p. 387 (N.D.405–PS).
19. Goebbels, op. cit., p. 300.
20. N. S. Monatshefte, No. 39 (June 1933).
21. The July 1 and 6 quotations in Baynes, I, p. 287 and pp. 865–66.
22. From a study entitled My Relations with Adolf Hitler and the Party, which Admiral Raeder wrote in Moscow after his capture by the Russians and which was made available at Nuremberg. NCA, VIII, p. 707.
23. Baynes, I, p. 289.
24. Spengler, Jahre der Entscheidung, p. viii.
25. Blomberg’s directive, TMWC, XXXIV, pp. 487–91 (N.D. C–140).
26. Quoted by Telford Taylor in Sword and Swastika, p. 41. The Seeckt papers are now at the National Archives in Washington.
27. The source for the “Pact of the Deutschfond” is Weissbuch ueber die Erschiessung des 30 Juni, 1934 (Paris, 1935), pp. 52–53. Herbert Rosinski in his The German Army, pp. 222–23, confirms the terms of the pact. Bullock and Wheeler-Bennett accept it in their books on this period. The source for the May 16 meeting of the generals is Jacques Bénoist-Méchin’s Histoire de l’Armée Allemande depuis l’Armistice, II, pp. 553–54.
28. Rede des Vizekanzlers von Papen vor dem Universitaetsbund, Marburg, am 17 Juni, 1934 (Berlin: Germania-Verlag).
29. Papen, op. cit., p. 310.
30. NCA, V, pp. 654–55 (N.D. 2950–PS).
31. Papen, op. cit., pp. 330–33.