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Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism

Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism

Rich with such iconic figures as Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Paine, and the once-famous Robert Green Ingersoll, Freethinkers restores to history the passionate humanists who struggled against those who would undermine the combination of secular government and religious liberty that is the glory of the American system.


Chapter 1: Revolutionary Secularism

Chapter 2: The Age of Reason and Unreason

Chapter 3: Lost Connections: Anticlericalism, Abolitionism, and Feminism

Chapter 4: The Belief and Unbelief of Abraham Lincoln

Chapter 5: Evolution and Its Discontents

Chapter 6: The Great Agnostic and the Golden Age of Freethought

Chapter 7: Dawn of the Culture Wars

Chapter 8: Unholy Trinity: Atheists, Reds, Darwinists

Chapter 9: Onward, Christian Soldiers

Chapter 10: The Best Years of Our Lives

Chapter 11: Culture Wars Redux

Chapter 12: Reason Embattled

Appendix: Robert Ingersoll’s Eulogy for Walt Whitman, March 30, 1892


Selected Bibliography

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