Doris Kearns Goodwin, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and author of Team of Rivals, captures the Progressive Era through the story of the broken friendship between Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft, culminating in their running against one another for president in 1912.
Preface - To Alice Mayhew and Linda Vandegrift
Chapter 3. The Judge and the Politician
Chapter 5. Edith Carow Roosevelt
Chapter 6. The Insider and the Outsider
Chapter 7. The Invention of McClure’s
Chapter 8. “Like a Boy on Roller Skates”
Chapter 9. Governor and Governor General
Chapter 10. “That Damned Cowboy Is President”
Chapter 11. “The Most Famous Woman in America”
Chapter 12. “A Mission to Perform”
Chapter 13. Toppling Old Bosses
Chapter 14. “Thank Heaven You Are to Be with Me!”
Chapter 15. “A Smile That Won’t Come Off”
Chapter 16. “Sitting on the Lid”
Chapter 17. The American People Reach a Verdict
Chapter 18. “Cast into Outer Darkness”
Chapter 19. “To Cut Mr. Taft in Two!”
Chapter 20. Taft Boom, Wall Street Bust
Chapter 21. Kingmaker and King
Chapter 22. “A Great Stricken Animal”
Chapter 23. A Self-Inflicted Wound
Chapter 24. St. George and the Dragon
Chapter 25. “The Parting of the Ways”
Chapter 26. “Like a War Horse”
Chapter 27. “My Hat Is in the Ring”
Chapter 28. “Bosom Friends, Bitter Enemies”