Warfare in the Medieval World explores how civilizations and cultures made war on the battlefields of the Near East and Europe in the period between the fall of Rome and the introduction of reliable gunpowder weapons during the Thirty Years' War. Through an exploration of thirty-three selected battles, military historian Brian Todd Carey surveys the changing tactical relationships between the four weapon systems - heavy and light infantry and heavy and light cavalry - focusing on the evolution of shock and missile combat.Through the use of dozens of multiphase tactical maps, this fascinating introduction to the art of war during western civilization's ancient and classical periods pulls together the primary and secondary sources and creates a powerful historical narrative. The result is a synthetic work that will be essential reading for students and armchair military historians alike.
Rome’s Second Millennium: The Early Byzantine Army
Cavalry versus Cavalry: The Battles of Dara and Tricameron
Byzantine Combined Arms in Action: The Battles of Taginae and Casilinum
The Byzantine Army in Transition: Themes and Tagmata
Heavy Cavalry versus Light Cavalry: The Battle of Manzikert
The Rise of the Franks and the Battle of Tours
The Ninth- and Tenth-Century Invasions: Muslims, Magyars and Vikings at War
A Viking Battle at Sea: The Battle of Nisa
Response to Invasion: The Rise of Heavy Cavalry in Western Europe
The Norman Conquests of England and Italy
The Crusades: Latin Heavy Cavalry in the East
The Muslim Counter-Crusade: The Dominance of Latin Heavy Cavalry Challenged
The Crusades: The Reconquista in Spain and Portugal
The Battles of Sagrajas and Las Navas de Tolosa
Medieval Horse Breeding and Logistics
‘Storm from the East’: The Mongol Art of War
The Mongol Invasion of Europe: The Battles of Liegnitz and Sajo River
The Mongol Invasion of the Near East
Cavalry versus Cavalry: The Battle of Ain Jalut
The Apex of Chivalry and the Battle of Bouvines
The Transitional Thirteenth Century
The English Tactical System Tested: The Battles of Crécy and Agincourt
The Rise of the Swiss Battle Square
Heavy Infantry versus Heavy Cavalry: The Battles of Morgarten, Laupen and Sempach
The Burgundian Wars: A New Combined-Arms Synthesis versus Swiss Heavy Infantry
From Medieval to Early Modern Warfare: The Military Revolution of the Sixteenth Century
The Italian Wars and the Rise of the Spanish Tercio
The Dutch Tactical System and the Thirty Years War
Conclusion: The ‘Western Way of War’ and Decisive Battle